5.40pm Tuesday afternoon. It has been a month since the last post, and life in the Caribbean is going through a busy season. Jaana has been working on her therapy every day and has since she started with 100mg of Zoloft per day been less likely to cry. Saying that, she does have her bad moments, but in a more normal proportion. Her progress is still very slow, but small improvements can still be seen. She is much better in walking with someone supporting her and she is (another effect of the medication) initiating more actions.
Last week was mid term break, so the kids had the week of. The beginning of the week, we did some sports at home (golf, diving, tennis etc), Jonathan had a sleep over for a few days. On the Thursday we flew to Canouan with some friends and with their families. A fantastic, picture perfect paradise only 45 min away by plane. Some more sports and a trip with a catamaran in the Tabago Keys were all great. Jaana enjoyed the trip very much and so did Parmi and Anna, who neither of them had left Barbados for over a year. One can get a bit of island fever if one does not leave every so often.
Yesterday school started and things are getting back to normal. Next week I will be gone on a short trip, but my father is coming on Friday to stay during the week.
And for all of you following cricket, it is a big week starting Thursday. West Indies is hosting the England test cricket team and the Kensington Oval. After a huge win and a draw the WI are looking good.