10.15am Sunday morning. All good and well. Parmi came back two days ago from a one month plus vacation in Indonesia. Her travel back seem to have gone ok, but UK immigration had her for questioning for 20 minutes. Anyway, all fine now so no problem.
Jaana has been having therapy for some weeks now and is performing well. There are still long way to go before she walks, but everyone is impressed by her strength and she is still making progress. Many have the assumption that the window of opportunity for recovery after is shut after 12 months, but I can definitely confirm that she has made more progress after 12 months than before.
Kids have a good time in school. In two weeks they have mid-term break and me and the kids will head for New York for 3 days then onto Orlando and some parks. They are very excited and we are very much looking forward to the trip.
The picture is Jaana on her birthday 6th of September, with a friend of ours at lunch in Barbados.