Wow, what a difference a day makes! When I arrived at the hospital this morning, after having dropped the kids of at school, Hakan told me that she had been very active just before communicating with the doctors and with him. After such a period she could easily have to rest for quite a few hours. But instead, she rested for 30 min and was later focusing her eyes looking at me for almost an hour, after which she had a longer rest again. Her speech will take a bit longer to come back since that is where the main impact of the stroke was. This part of the brain also controls the swallowing muscles, so she will need to keep her tube for eating for a few weeks. This is obviously a bit irritating for her, but rather necessary.
When I left the hospital just a few moments ago, she was resting. She has attracted a very mild fever (37.6) and urine infection which are both very common when you lay still in the ICU. Those conditions are being treated and managed so they should not impose any further implications.
All in all, this has been a great day with a lot of progress. I will return with more info later tonight if something transpires, otherwise tomorrow.
Last but not least, I would like to specially thank three people. I know that ALL of you care very much about Jaana and would like to be next to her for comfort, so no ranking of friends here. However though, Jari (Jaana's brother) and Hakan (a great friend of mine) have been sitting the night shift (10pm to 9am) for almost a week and Parmi (our household commander-in-chief) assists me at home, letting the kids have an as normal time as possible. This let's me drive the kids to school and spend the day with Jaana. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
Just came back from the hospital (9pm Singapore time) after saying good night to her. She is now sleeping and resting for another day of hard recovery work tomorrow.
Updating you all fully, the doctor has suggested that if there are no other implications and the immediate recovery process proceeds in the coming days, she should be able to leave the ICU for a nice private room at the end of next week. This would obviously be great but will not be done until her situation has improved a bit more.
As promised, I read all postings to date for her this morning when she was awake.
Friday, September 21, 2007
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Härliga nyheter du kommer med Jörgen. Jag gråter igen av glädje.
Ge Jaana en puss och kram från mig och en stor kram till dig själv och barnen.
Kram Chriiiiina
Tack, Jörgen, för att du öppnat denna blogg!
Känns väldigt bra att få följa vad som händer och framför allt nu när det blir små små framsteg dag för dag som betyder så mycket för oss alla.
Hälsa Jaana, Ludde, Totte, Camille & Jari så mycket!
Kramar Mia
With Beauty Before You, You Walk
With Beauty Behind You, You Walk
With Beauty Above You, You Walk
Whid Beauty Above and About You, You Walk
All Is In Beauty
Navajo Prayer
All of my love to you
Great progresses Jaana !!!!!
Keep looking at your fantastic husband and children.
Amabel, Fleur, Philip,Janine and Luca
My dear Jaana,
wonderfull progress,I know your strong as an lion...
you are in my thoughts and in my heart...
I miss you, I wish I could sit next to you and hold your hand and give you a hug...
love you.
Jörgen, Jari, Håkan, Parmi :
Min stora beundran över Ert arbete
och den goda informationen.
Det gladde mig oerhört att läsa dagens rapport om framstegen, som ju är mycket fina med tanke på att det inte gått en vecka ännu.
och Kram till Er alla
Dearest Jaana,
I am thinking of you the whole day! It seems like just yesterday I was trying to make sure that Courtney texted Jörgen your birthday wishes because the E-mail I sent was returned and I never wrote the card I was wanting to write! Yes, what a difference a day makes. I am so glad to have this chance to see how you are doing and to know that you are strong, positive and moving forward towards recovery. I know it will be hard work. My wish for you is patience with yourself as you heal and let people help you. It is not always easy to just say "yes, I would love you to help me do......". Stay strong and I will keep the good vibes coming from Switzerland for you, Jörgen, Ludwig, Jonathan and Camille.
Lots of love, xoxo
Missy and Co.
Dear Jaana,
I am so pleased to hear that your day showed so much improvement. Small step by small step you will get better and I am looking forward to hear of your steps.
My thoughts are with you at all times.
Lots of love from Noemi and Namik, too and also to Ludwig and Jonathan (and of course from Nuria and to Camille, even if they never met).
Jaana, it only seems like yesterday that you would not let me get on the overnight flight back to Australia without a good home cooked meal. It was in fact the day before you feel ill. You are a very special person and as such I am positive you will make a full recovery. Jorgen tells me every day on the phone of your progress and I pass it on to everyone in Australia who are all sending you positive thoughts.
You are on all our minds and in all our hearts. Keep up the fantastic progress and we will see you soon.
Jorgen our thoughts are with you and the kids as well. Remember if you need ANYTHING call me 24/7 and I am on the next flight to Singapore. Talk to you later my friend. Love to all.
Corey, Gillian, Riley and Tyler.
Kort rapport fran natten 21/22.
Det borjade redan i morsen mellan 3-4 da hon var mycket vaken. Forsta gangen jag sett henne
oppna ogon ordentligt ,titta runt i rummet, titta pa bilder m.m. Hon forsoker prata mycket,
aven i somnen men det ar ju inte sa latt med matslangen heller.
Det forstatte sedan en stor del av formiddagen med ovningar, lite prat och faktiskt en hel del
leenden fran Jaana. Hon verkar tycka att det ar skont att vakna till och fa en chans att borja
ta tag it det sjalv pa nagot satt. Hon ar med pa enklare ovningar.
Jorgen ar noggrann med att alla som kommer hit hjalper till med att gora nagra enkla ovningar villket
ar bra. Det ar ju anda sattet att komma i gang.
Bade Jorgen och jag var och kollade pa "General Ward" ett rehabiliteringsstalle hogst upp i sjukhuset
pa 10:de vaningen. Det rummet vi kollade pa hade utsikt mot amerikanska/britiska/australiensiska ambassaderna,
och i riktining mot 18 Chatsworth Road. E
Det ar riktigt fina rum, och en tanke ar val att hon skulle kunna vara dar de forsta veckorna av rehabilitering. Det finns
ett "gym" i en angransande byggnad. Men det ar val ingen panik att bestamma sig annu, utan halla olika alternativ oppna.
Forovrigt, blev nog bada jag och Jorgen lite hapna i dag nar vi fragade om det var ok att vi gick i vag en stund
(hon hade Parmi och skoterskor pa plats) for att kolla pa rehabiltering stallet och ta en snabb lunch, och da det kom ett
bestamt NEJ fran Jaana. Efter en stund var det dock ok, att vi gick. Vi far val se vem som bestammer pa ICU om nagra dagar.
Jaana fick stodstumpor, inte for att det ar nagra problem med hennes ben, utan mer i forebyggande syfte.
Barnen var pa ICU med Jorgen, jag var inte har men som jag forstod det gick allt bra aven om Jaana just da var lite
trott efter dagens aktivitet.
Sedan var det ater besok fram ambassaden, vilket ju ar jatte roligt for Jaana. Det ar ju kul att se nya ansikten och hora
nya roster. Kanske blir jobbit att hora oss fraga hela tiden, Hur mar du? Vill du ha datten? eller ditten? Dags att trana, m.m.
Nu pa kvallen har hon mest sovit, hon hade lite feber, men den verka ha gatt ner runt midnatt.
Hon vaknade dock precis lite, och vi kom overens att hon sover 10 min till sa skrive jag klart detta email,
sedan kor vi lite ovningar.
Vi gjorde rent munnen lite och kor pa lite lypsyl eller vad det nu heter.
Klockan ar 01:20 lokal tid, 19:20 CET och pulsen ar 81, syreupptagning 98%, andetag per minut 14,
blodtrycket var vid senaste matning 127/94.
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