8am , Saturday morning. An early report from the hospital indicates that Jaana has been very calm during the night and morning, sleeping most of the time. Resting after a very busy day. I will back later with more details.
During the morning hours when I got to the hospital, she had been sleeping. I woke her up a bit (something which needs to be done for exercises) and she was very active for an hour. During this time we counted fingers, talked about things we remembered and she had a quick first phone call with her mother, Ritva. She made a big smile when she heard her voice. If you asked her to squeeze her hand, stretch her left or right leg, open her eyes she did so, even though with some effort.
I did some exercises with her and just as I finished, the physiotherapist came again and wanted to start all over... She just nodded and did it all again.
After that, a great friend of ours who is 8.25 months pregnant (who flew in from Hong Kong yesterday to visit!!!) came by. Jaana recognised her immediately and smiled. We were talked about her difficulties convincing doctors/immigration officers that she could fly and enter Singapore. Jaana nodded and smiled when we concluded that 'you do NOT mess around and tell an 8 month pregnant woman what to do'. She when lifted her hand and lay it gently on the tummy to feel the baby. BIG smile!
9.40pm, Saturday evening. Sorry for not having gotten back with any new updates during the day, but since midday, when I left the hospital, friends from the Swedish Embassy in Singapore have had supervised over Jaana. I returned to the hospital with Camille around 6pm and left around 9pm again when Jari came.
Again, I woke her up when Camille and I came to the hospital. Before, Camille was a bit hesitant of spending a lot of time since I think she felt sorry for her mother and being a bit scared. Today, Jaana asked (with her lips) for a kiss and received the same from a very happy and willing Camille! What a blessing to see. I had tears in my eyes for the rest of the evening.
During the day, the doctors (who did not see all this activity) wanted to do another CT scan to make sure the medicine did not cause any bleeding in the brain. This was done around 2pm and was immediately analysed with the conclusion that this was not the case. Sometimes when the activity slows down and the pules decreases (below 50 bps) this could be an indication of such an event. Her pulse has never been below 63 and never above 100. As she suffered a slight fever (37.3) today, her pulse right now tend to be a bit higher (~85).
As a conclusion, the day has brought many smiles and happy tears to many soles. The major hurdles will be to practise the speaking. Mobility wise, she will come back over time as good as before. She is holding up strong.
I would like to thank you ALL for your support! What an amazing feeling! Coming from from Australia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Hong Kong, USA, Barbados, India, China... the whole world! Just amazing!
Jaana and I will never forget these weeks in our lives.
God Bless you all!
Friday, September 21, 2007
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Godmorgon Jaana,
Det verkar som natten varit god.
Sitter och rotar i våra flyttkartonger. Vill hitta min kartong med foton. Foton från en svunnen tid.
Anders har aldrig träffat dig men är hemskt nyfiken. Han vet att jag har en kompis som bor i Singapore och det är spännande.
Tänkte visa honom lite bilder ikväll. På dig och mig och kanske bilder från en PUB runda.
Ha en bra dag och jag tänker på dig ofta, när jag pysslar här hemma, lagar middag eller skäller på Anders barn ;-). Alltså hela tiden mitt i vardagen.
Kram Chriiina
Good evening Jaana,
Hoping you had a day of further recovery. Its a stormy night here on the Gold Coast with plenty of lighting and thunder all around us. Gillian and I have just been watching the skies and thinking of the days when we where togther in Singapore in stormy weather. You and Gillian both not drinking and Jorgen and I drinking enough for all 4 of us.
We both can not wait until all of us are again together with the kids running around in the background and Jorgen and I doing our best to drink as if we were in the world drinking championships.
I will still expect you and Gillian to sit and shake your heads at us both. It would not be as much fun for Jorgen and I if you both mellow in your later years.
Anyway, keep up the good recovery, make sure you give Jorgen a stern look now and again to keep him on his toes, and give those doctors something to talk about when you beat all the records for recovery as I know you will. Apart from Gillian, you are the strongest person I have ever meet. (PS, I am saying that because I am worried when Gillian reads this, if I said you were the strongest, as Jorgen proclaims, she would then kill me.) Just kidding!!!
Bye for now!!!
Hei Rakas Serkkurukku!
It was a big shock to hear about your stroke. I know you are very strong and stupporn woman and I am sure you will make full recovering soon.
I think about you a lot, You are in my heart and mind. I keep on thinking all these nice summers when we playd together in our summer cottage, you me and Jari.
I wish all the best for You, Jorgen and children. I wish we will meet soon again, when you are back in good condition.
Love and hugs to my dear cousin Jaana. And best regards to you, Jari and Jorgen.
Terveisin Leena Helsingistä.
Tack Jaana för ditt fantastiska leende och din blick idag, det gick rakt in i hjärtat och jag har gått med ett leende på läpparna hela eftermiddagen! Det är mycket som hänt på en vecka, i rätt riktning. Jag tänker på dig även när jag inte står vid sängkanten och tjatar på dig. Hoppas att jag inte tröttar ut dig.
Kram Anette
Dear Jaana,
Greetings from Barbados where the warm sun, white sand & cool water is waiting for you.......
We look forward to hearing of a good recovery......Jorgen is boasting that you are the strongest woman in the world and you must prove him right!!
Lots of love and good wishes from all of us here to you & all the family.
Rebecca, James, Alannah, Margaux & Arthur xxxxx
Hej Jaana och välkommen tillbaka !
Det är fint att höra om Din snabba
Jag vet att Du är stark, och nu har
Du visat vilken värdig motståndare
Du är, när Camille kommer upp i de
besvärliga tonåren.
Det blir en tuff match för henne.
Stor Kram
hej jaana,
det är underbart kul att följa dina framsteg! vilken styrka du har. tänker pa dig ofta och mycket :-)
tack jörgen för denna blog sa att även vi pa andra sidan jordklotet kan följa den dagliga utveckligen.
hälsningar till er alla!
Jaana, my thoughts are with you every day. Keep getting better all the time! I know you are strong.
I wish I could be there and hold your hand and maybe read to you out of one of the good books you always seem to find. I'll be inquiring about your progress regularly and hope the day that we see each other again and can go for a walk is very soon...
with love to you and your family.
P.s. Thank you Jorgen for posting all the progress reports. It makes distance between continents shrink just a little!
Tjena Jörgen O Jaana o Ungarna !!
Det här suger ju helt otroligt mycket. Men Jaana är en tuffing så det här skall nog bli bra. Vi var i Zurich när vi fick höra av Pat att Jaana var dålig, det kändes konstigt att vara just där efter alla DTS åren...
Vi tänker på dig,ungarna och självklart Jaana, håller alla tummar och önskar att allt skall gå bra.
Om det är någonting som Jag kan göra för att underlätta är det bara att säga till.
kram Peter och Louise
Godmorgon Jaana,
Hoppas att du har haft en bra natt. Läste mina yahoo-mail för första gången på veckor och hittade länken till bloggen idag. Tack Jörgen för att du berättar för oss om framstegen här.
Tänker mycket på dig, Jörgen och barnen och hur mycket ni betyder för oss. När vi flyttade till Zug var det du och Jörgen som hjälpte oss att komma till rätta och vi har nog aldrig riktigt tackat för allt ni gjorde för oss då. Tack!Tänk sen att du lyckades få Christer att dricka alkoholfri öl under varje Söndag i ett helt år det är en bedrift i sig! Jag längtar till nästa gång våra stora familjer kan träffas.
Ha en bra dag, Kram Karin
Dearest Jaana,
We are thinking of you the whole time! We were not able to open this homepage before since we are on holiday and not able to get online. And we were so worring about you, praying to God that you will be strong and get better soon, we just couldn't believe what had happen! We are so glad now to have this chance to see how you are doing and that you are step by step recovering! Thanks God! I've got tears in my eyes when I read these lines, you are so strong and positive and moving forward towards recovery. Then your wonderful husband who does everything for his beloved wife! Take your time Jaana to recover! You have wonderful people around who will support you anytime. We wish you all the best and are sending our love to you and Jörgen, Ludwig, Jonathan and Camille. Greetings from Switzerland and lots of hugs Claudia, Reto and Nevin
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