Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12th of December

10.18am Wednesday morning. A good night sleep set her up for a good training session in the morning. We did a lot of leg exercises and standing up for some time. This afternoon we will practice more on the arms. One small 'exercise' to increase her breathing muscles has been for me to put a arm/hand on her tummy while she is sleeping. this makes it a bit harder, but is good practice. This morning Parmi and I heard a weak but yet recognizable 'ja'. This is a start with a long way to go, but still a good start. I asked her if she noticed that her efforts were making a difference, and she nodded. Hence I think her mood is in a quite condition and she has not been sad for some time now.
Yesterday for dinner, she finished of seom fried fish with good appetite.
10.31am Wednesday morning. I had to write some more! I just took her to the bathroom for the shower. She is helping so much and holding a lot of her own weight. Fantastic! It is important the person who assist her is a bit taller than her and being prepared to carry her weight, else she is very easy to care for.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Många hälsningar till er, ni är superbra!
Ulrica m familj

Reed family said...

Fantastic well done Jaana. Jurgen excellent work in keeping us so up to date with Jaana's progress!

Emma Mason said...

Dear Jaana, I learned about your stroke and how you are doing from Sylvana here in Zug. I now have the internet address of this wonderful Blog that Jurgen is writing and we will be sure to keep in touch with how you are doing. I am sure each day you will grow stronger and I hope that your new life in Barbados will be very enjoyable! Adam and I spent part of our honeymoon there and have lovely memories of the island.
We leave on saturday for 3 weeks skiing in Canada. Everyone is very excited as it is our first trip there. Sylvana tells me you will all be very busy over Christmas and New Year. Have patience Jaana, you are young and strong and I am filled with hope that you can get much better in the next few months. We will keep you posted of our adventures in Canada and will follow your progress daily!!!!!! Keep up the hard work, Lots of love Emma, Adam, Matthew, James & Lucy

Elisabeth och Robert said...

Hej Jaana ,jugge

Du är så braaaa Jaana !!men det visste jag ju redan.
Idag är det LUCIA ..Vi var uppe alla tidigt och tittade på Lucia på TV.I kväll har William julfest med sin klass och han ska vara pepparkaksgubbe !! I förrgår var jag på OPERAN med Teos klass och tittade på PIPPI balett .En mamma i klassen dansade i balletten och hade ordnat biljetter till oss !Det var väldigt vackert.
Nu ska jag ut och julhandla med alla andra stressade människor !!
Det är inte lätt det här med julklappar?!
Många kramar till er
Teo Alicia och William vill hälsa till Ludde Totte och Camille