Monday, December 3, 2007

3rd of December

9.19pm Monday evening. Jaana's day was filled with physio and speech therapy. I got to learn a few more fact what muscles can stiffen up and contract when not used for a while. Some speech problems can be related to her tongue and jaw muscles. The therapist gently did some exercises and 'pulled' her tongue out and she managed a lot better. We will get some tools for her to bit on to practice the jaw as well. Right now if you ask her to close it, she does so with a bang, and needs to control this a bit better.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Vi tänker på er!
Ulrica m familj

Claudia + family said...

Dear family Molen

Busy month for you started... moving, packing, saying good bye to Singapore... We think of you! Jaana, great progresses you do! Well done!
Lots of love
family Britschgi
Claudia, Reto, Nevin and the little
one in the stomach

Gittan said...

Hej Jaana & Co!

Ingen snö i sikte här än tyvärr, tjejerna väntar ivrigt. Vi firade första advent med glöggfika med kompisar och längtar efter julen och ledighet. Vi blir hemma över jul med närmaste familjen.

Vi tänker på er ständigt och det är synd att vi nu inte kommer att kunna träffa er, men huvudsaken är att ni mår bra.

Många kramar Gittan, Micke, Nellie & Nova

Doris Gierlach said...

Dear Jaana & family
I am sorry it has been awhile since I wrote. We celebrated Thanksgiving in the States and our daughter was in the Nutcracker Ballet as Clara this past weekend. It was beautiful. From Jorgen's posts I read about the progress you have been making Jaana. I especially like how he took a little speech therapy with you!
As always we think about you.
All my best,
Doris Gierlach and Family