Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2nd of January

10.02am Wednesday morning. Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for the sporadic blog updates, Jaana is doing great! A little bit of a cold with some cough and sore throat, but nothing to stop her on her progress. Today, during our daily morning standing exercise, she not only held her own weight, but also corrected her balance for a good 3-4 minutes. The only help she had was to hold one arm around my neck, that was it! I did nothing, but just told her when she was getting a bit too much of center. It was fantastic to see. Both Parmi and I got tears in our eyes, since this is a massive improvement, I have no doubt, that after some rehabilitation in Sweden and further physio therapy in Barbados, Jaana will be walking again withing a not to distant future. One can obviously not say when, but that it will happen, I am very sure. I will leave you with this very encouraging news and wish you all a great day.
On Friday Jaana will go to Sweden. I will continue and try to update this blog with second hand news from the nurses, therapists and relatives. Updates might be less frequent then, but you should be able to get an idea of what happens.


Anna Maria said...

Good Morning all.

Jaana you are a star. Such lovely news to cheer up a rather dark day.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

Lots of love
Anna Maria and Co.

Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej och Gott Nytt År!
Så fint att läsa, vilka framsteg!
Sköt om er, kram
Ulrica m familj

Ilona Hug said...

Dear Jaana,

Happy new year and all the best to you, Jorgen and the kids!
We are very happy to hear, that you are getting better every day, how fantastic!
We miss you a lot, Seya asks all the time, when he can see Ludwig and you guys...
I promissed him, that we will visit you as soon as possible, You tell me..
In Switzerland it's very cold today.
We were in the mountains yesterday, we had a lot of fun, Seya and Mauri looked like snowmen...
Ohh, we probably sold the house..../yes, yes, yes!)
to our we will finally move to Zug this year.
Oh and next month we will open up a fun-Bowl center here in Lucerne. The kids will love it.
Dear Jaana, you were always my idol, your spirit and your positive aura is just amazing! Lots of love and hugs, ilona, Seya, Mauri, Nonna Ruth, Pepper the cat

Unknown said...

hej Jaana, Jörgen, Camille, Totte och Ludde,
först ett riktigt Gott Nytt År och God fortsättning på 2008!

Det var underbart att läsa om dom senaste framstegen, jättekram till Jaana och be henne fortsätta kämpa på i Sverige!

Lycka till med flytten till Barbados så hörs vi.

Kramar från Jannice, Peter, Daniel o Mikaela

Reed family said...

Thank you Jaana! Reading the blog and hearing how well you are doing has made my day!!!

I often think of you all and love to read how you are going.
Even though you have left Singapore we are still very much up to date with your progress.Thank you Jorgen Excellent...keep up the hard work Jaana. Danielle