Wednesday, January 9, 2008

9th of January

4.48pm Wednesday afternoon. I received a long email from Jaanas occupational therapist who in great detailed outlined what Jaana had been doing. It seemed to me that they are getting on well together and that things are progressing as planed. Well done Jaana and all the therapist! She still cries as soon as I or the kids talk to her, but again, only natural. She seem to be settling in fine for her time there.
The kids had a great day in school. Ludwig found a Danish/Norwegian friend, Jonathan a few of them and Camille started to participate in class rather well. Very happy. We have a colony of monkeys living behind the house, so every time we come home they are all over the house!


Anna Maria said...

Hello Jorgan.

Delighted to hear that things are working out so well for both Jaana and you and the children.

You must be meeting youself on the way back (it meens that you are so busy and working so fast you are passing yourself out)

All the best in your new home. I'm sure you will all be very happy there.

Good luck also with the trading, I assume that the move means that you are now dealing with a different market.

Please give my regards to Jaana, the children and parmi.

Thinking of you all.

Lots of love
Anna Maria, Gopal and a small little band of friends of ours who are keeping you in their prayers.

Ulrica och Robin said...

Låter fint att allt fungerar så bra.
Skönt att Jaana blir väl omhändertagen i Sverige och roligt att barnen verkar finna sig till rätta snabbt i ert nya liv.
Hoppas att det mitt i allt organiserande även finns utrymme för lite vila.
Sköt om er allihopa!
Ulrica, Robin, Matilda och Frida

Reed family said...

Keep up the dedication to your Great Revenge.
Soon you will be back with Jorgen and the kids where you can reap the rewards of your intense therapy!
Always in my thoughts.Danielle x

Elisabeth och Robert said...

Hejsan Jaana ,Jugge,Camille, Ludde och Totte.
Jag är glad att allting har ordnat sig till det bästa för er alla!!
Jaana snart är du tillsammans med familjen igen.Passa på att få ut så mycket du bara kan av den proffsiga rehabiliteringen du får nu.Tänk frammåt när det känns motigt /Många kramar från Elisabeth Jag kommer snart och hälsar på dej om du vill ha besök .