Saturday, February 16, 2008

16th of February

1.21pm Saturday afternoon. JAANA IS HOME! Yesterday after a few delays we arrived in Barbados safe and sound. She was a bit nervous of how the kids were going to react to seeing her and was scared to "disappoint" them. However though, as you all know, the kids and myself did not expect to look for any miracles, rather to get Jaana home. Everyone is very pleased to have her here. She is a bit tired, but not too bad. After a few days rest, she will recommence her rehabilitation program on Wednesday, with physio, occupational and speech therapy. On Monday, we will have a nurse assistant starting to help out with showering and toilet visits etc. In addition, I will replace the previous house keeper so Parmi will get some better help with everything around the house. Parmi was very please to see Jaana again and Jaana felt the same. They really get along very well together and Parmi is a trooper.

A quick reminder since it seems like many of you are requesting contact info. It can all be found on a posting around the 1st of November 2007.


heloiza Montuori said...

Dear Jaana and Jorgen,
I am back to life in Singapore, after been travelling since mid december... I was quite eager and a bit anxious to know about my dearest Jaana and how life has been for the entire family after so long. I think I missed a lot of the info as I cant access news from a month or so ago, but the most important thing is to know you are all fine and she is at last HOME!!!! Yayyy that in itself is a blessing and a miracle.
Will be in touch and reading about you guys all the time from now on...
My contact # is (65) 8200 4807.
If you can drop me a line and give me your directions and phone #s would be great...
I wish you have a happy start and pray for many blessings from above .
Much luv

drallim said...

Hej Jaana, Jörgen, Ludde, Totte och Camille!
Vad härligt att höra att ni är tillsammans igen! Jaana, jag tänker på dig varje dag och du dyker upp i tankarna när jag är ute och kör, när jag var till "din" ramaffär och hämtade min inramade tavla av Lisas första skor (som du rekommenderade!), på jobbet, "vårt" lunchställe med de goda wrappsen osv...
Jag förstår att Jörgen anlitat den bästa sjukgymnasten och talterapeuten som ska hjälpa dig på Barbados.
Jag har fortfarande inte hört något om Lisas och min flytt men så snart jag vet ska ni få veta.
Anna Maj och jag har redan pratat om att vi ska åka och hälsa på er när vi flyttat till Europa. Det blir ju lite närmare då.
Många kramar och VÄLKOMMEN HEM JAANA!!! Kramar till er alla!
/Anette & Lisa

Gunilla said...

Kära Jaana,
Välkommen hem! Det måsta kännas skönt att åter vara tillsammans med dina nära och kära! Jag har följt Jugges blog sedan han började och läser med stort intresse om dina framsteg. Kämpa på kära Jaana och jag hoppas att jag vid tillfälle skall kunna komma och hälsa på dig. Keep up the good work!
Stora kramen

Ulrica och Robin said...

Underbart att vara hemma för er alla!
Lycka till med att komma in i allt, ni är toppen.
Ulrica m familj

Claudia + family said...

Dearest family Molen

What a day, you are all together again! And life can really start now in Barbados, all together! We think a lot of you and appreciate this blogg very much. So we now how you are! Joergen, could you give me your new contact, mobile number, etc? Thanks! I would like to call you soon.
Enjoy the time together and have a good start at your new home!
Claudia and family