Saturday, March 15, 2008

15th of March

7.58am Saturday morning. Yesterday the speech therapist tried an exercise where there was one word written in small text (3mm letters) with 6 pictures around it, one representing the word. Jaana had no problem reading the word and pointing at the right picture! This confirms that her vision is some what alright and her hand coordination is getting better. There is a long way from here to read a book or such, as she would get very tired after only a sentences when the words a close together. In wait for her motor skills to improve further, exercises with computer and the same as above will continue. In a couple of weeks she will go through an thorough visual assessment, where her field of vision can be determined. Some of her physio exercises which took an hour a couple of weeks ago, now only takes half the time. The occupational therapist is working on her balance which still is rather on the poor side.
Parmi is getting better from her very serious ear infection. She ended up with three holes in her eardrums. As she is eating antibiotics, she should not have to many more of them and it is getting better. The children are all fine. They have 4 days of school next week and then they have 3 weeks easter break between semesters.


drallim said...

Härligt att följa alla förbättringar som sker så här på avstånd. Önskar att vi var närmare så vi kunde kvista över. Idag åkte jag förbi Chatsworth och tankarna går som alltid till er.
Lisa och jag har börjat planera för vår flytt till Prag. Det känns spännande. Hoppas att det gick bra med uppackningen av containern. Ett jättejobb.
Stor kram till er alla från
Anette & Lisa

peter said...

Dear Jaana, Jorgen and Kids

Just a week ago, we heard about the terrible stroke that hit you, Jaana. We feel very sorry for you and we think of you ever since, every day. We read the Blogs, Jorgen is providing (well done)and we admire your strength! Keep up this fight, Jaana!!
We sent you our love and we pray for your come back.

Lots of love
Sofia, Snezana and Peter

Christina Lundh said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen!
Jag har varit dålig på att följa bloggen ett tag, har bl.a. haft s.k. skidsemester med mycket stön men god mat och en meter djup vacker vit snö.
Jätteroligt att läsa om framstegen med talet bl.a. Heja på Jaana!!!!
Massor av Glad Påsk-kramar från Christina