Friday, April 25, 2008

25th of April

6.15am Friday morning. This week Jaana have had good exercise week. We are still waiting for the walking bars to be delivered, as she is now ready to use them. She has been steadily building up strength and balance with the physio who has done a very methodical program with her. Her sound/speech is also coming along, but still needs to be prompted rather than taking the initiative herself to say some thing. Last week she went into Bridgetown (more or less a dump, except for a few shops) to do some shopping. She has certainly not lost any of those abilities which are all very much intact...
Camille has a birthday party today and is going to a friends house tomorrow, so she is happy. Boys are doing their surfing/sailing tomorrow.

1 comment:

peter said...

"Hey" to you all.

It is great to read about you improvement, Jaana. You are doing such a great job. We are sure that you will win this fight. Keep up the good (and hard) work.
We think about you every day.
A big hug for all the mambers of the Molen Family!!

Snezana, Sofioa and Peter Leurink