Wednesday, June 18, 2008

18th of June

7.31pm Wednesday evening. All therapist have no stepped up the notch one gear since we came back from Miami. They all think they have a fair chance in getting some more out of Jaana after the Warfarin is out of the picture. She is also crying a bit less and putting in excellent result and attitude in all sessions. As an example from today, Jaana had therapy from 9am to 11.30am without getting too tired. Just a few minutes ago, I helped her upstairs, but she walked and held the railing as I helped her with her balance. She is very strong, but it is still the coordination, balance and initiation which are the major tasks ahead. Anyway, I am quite pleased with her effort right now, and I can not ask for more. Her progress is measured from the daily written reports, which show clear progress. Sometimes when you see at first hand everyday it is easy to miss.
The kids are all looking forward to their break in two weeks. There are quite a few tests done and more coming up. Results are of all sorts, but they mostly make us very proud. Jonathan can not wait for Saturdays and his surfing. He told me the other day that wen he gets old he will live on the south coast so he can be closer to the surfing. Camille is having more friends than I find time to drive her to. Saying that, she still miss her friends from Singapore and speak about them often.
I have been watching some cricket (one more 20-20 game on Friday) which I have to say, is not a bad game. It is the only game where you can play for 5 days and there is no winner!

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