Wednesday, August 13, 2008

13th of August

7.12pm Wednesday evening. Jaana is chipping away every day with her triathlon of therapy. I am admiring her for putting in a great effort day after day. Some days are obviously better than others, and the last two has been very good. She broke her standing record on her own (having the possibility to hold on to two bars) yesterday, logging 8min and 20 secs. Her posture is getting a lot better and she is sitting for an extended period of time between therapy sessions as well. Speech wise, there has been some limited improvements, but you can not get everything at once. Jaana is still in a great spirit and we joke a lot, resulting in many big 'Jaana smiles'.
Next week we have very close friends coming over, which will be nice for all us, not least the children. The summer is passing very fast, and even though we have not traveled, we all have enjoyed it very much. Weather has been fantastic (though a bit hot from time to time) for being in the middle of hurricane season.

1 comment:

Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen!
Det later fint, ni ar bra.
Har ar det forsenad monsun med hog luftfuktighet, lite ovanligt for Delhi. Terminen har borjat med alla rutiner, lite kaotiskt pa gatot och torg, som alltid innan man kommit in i Indienlivet efter ett langre uppehall.
Skot om er, kram!
Ulrica m familj