9.11pm Sunday evening. As you can see from the picture Jaana was quite happy of our return home to Barbados. During the Easter trip the kids and I did, Jaana was very busy with her usual stuff, but also with extra yoga and different outings. She has slowly improved and is now very capable of holding her own weight when she is walking. Her balance is still not very good, but again improving. Verbal communication is still a tough spot and we have to get by with other means for the time being.
As it looks right now, we will be spending our entire summer vacation in Italy. The house is almost finished and I am working hard on the logistics to get it ready for end of June. This would allow us to spend all summer until beginning of September with our dear and very close friends, the Chiaritos.
So happy to see you both. Lovely picture!
Vilken fin bild på er båda.
Här hemma har vår/sommaren slagit till och jag är glad för början till rosenknoppar.
Samuel är en livlig krabat på 10mån och han ålar omkring i trädgården som en liten mask ....
Tänker på er allt som oftast.
Låter som en skön sommar, att vara i Italien.
Kramar Chrina och lille Samuel
Jorgen and Jaana
Ed just recently resent me your blog so I can keep up with you again. We lost our hard drive a couple of months back and with that all my bookmarked sites. I am happy to hear about your plans to spend the summer in Italy. It is Mother's Day today in America, so I wish you Jaana a very Happy Mother's Day.
All my best,
Doris Gierlach
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