Friday, January 15, 2010

15th of January 2010

9.41am Friday morning. Happy New Year to all of you! It has been some time since the last post, but pre Christmas was quite hectic, as I am sure it was for everyone. Now kids are back to school and things are more or less back to normal. Jaana is continuing her daily fights of recovery, even though she is a bit lack luster for the moment. She does not give her best all the time and try to escape by wanting to run to the toilet during sessions. Anyway, the stem cell treatment will most likely first be done with a lombard puncture and not the surgery. This is an easier treatment and she would not have to stay in the hospital for a week afterward. As the weather in Europe is rather cold which would increase the risk of cold and infections, I think she will do the bigger treatment during summer time. For the lombard treatment, we are still waiting to hear when it is available to do (within a few months at the most). There have been other patients from Barbados who have done the surgical treatments in South America with good results and no complications, so let's keep our fingers crossed.
Kids are doing fine. I will take them for a weeks of skiing holiday during the mid term break. Where has not been decided as of yet, but we are looking forward to this.

1 comment:

Elisabeth och Robert said...

Vi håller verkligen tummarna för att det finns chans till förbättring genom behandlingen du har hittat. Det vore ju helt enormt om det gick att göra något. Även om det bara blir mindre förbättringar så är det ju gott så. I Sverige, som du säkert hört, har det varit riktig vinter för en gångs skull, så det har blivit lite vintersportande med skidor och skridskor. För närvarande är jag på rundresa i Asien (Peking, Taipei och Seoul på en vecka…pust).
Hälsn. Robert och Elisabeth