Tuesday, September 21, 2010

21st of September, 2010

2.54pm Tuesday afternoon. Just a small update. I met with Jaanas local therapist this morning, Giselle, who was with us up in Germany and in Sweden. After I left Jaana and Giselle up there, at Jaanas first occupational therapy session after the operation, she was asked if she wrote. She then without indicating anything, leaned over the desk, picked up a pen and did this:

Giselle was amazed! Two years of trying to get Jaana to write and this just 4 days after her stem cell treatment! Lets hope it is continuing ...


Reed family said...

Fantastic!!! All the hard work and modern medicine is working. Strong wishes for this to continue. Huge to Jaana xxx

Anna Maria said...

So nice to see your lovely hand writing. Looking forward to lovely long letters from you. So, So happy with your news.

Go girl! Keep up the good work.

All our love. Anna Maria

catherine said...

Bravo, c'est formidable! Great news. Big big hugs to you all, especially to you Jaana.


Unknown said...

Chicago is doing a happy dance!! What absolutely incredible news! Keep it going Jaana. Sending much love. Lisa, Erik, Jackie & Peter

Kirsi said...
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Kirsi said...

Hej Jaana,
vad härligt det var att få träffa dig under veckorna som du var på Humlegården. Sköt om dig, hoppas det inte går alltför lång tid innan vi ses igen. Massor av kramar från Kirsi

Jill and Damian said...

Wow - great news. Just caught up with all your posts since August. What an inspiration to us all you both are. All our thoughts are with Jaana over the next couple of months. Go girl, go...

Unknown said...

Massor av nyarshalsningar till er.
Jag tanker pa dig, Jaana.
Kram Ulrica och familjen

Unknown said...

It's been more than four years but I so often think of you and am wondering how you are all doing. I would love to hear from you.