Monday, November 26, 2007

27th of November

3.39pm Tuesday afternoon. Today Jaana is in a great mood. She was smiling a lot when I came back from the dentist, having three wisdom teeth removed, and my speech in a worse shape than she did. We laught together and when the speech therapist came, we both joined in. Anyway, no fever, good mood and tomorrow the physio guy is back again, whome for which I have a lot of respect. Last time around, Jaana stood up (again with support, don't get me wrong) for over 20 minutes. She is ready to test the walking frame again.
I took the final decision not to send Jaana to Humlegarden in December. This was done considering her own wishes (indicated through her foot) and what I think is appropriate at the current stage for her. Right now, she needs a lot of one-to-one attention getting enough fluid/energy intake. At this stage she is still very much scheduled to go there in January. However though, everything in life is changing everyday, but one has to have plans anyway, and this is the one in focus right now.
To friends living in Singapore, it should be noted that we leave Singapore on the 20th of December. We will obviously want to see as much as possible of all of you, but main priority has to be on Jaana's recovery. Hence, I will from time to time, reject requests of visits. This is naturally not done ill willingly, but rather in consideration for my dear wife. So please continue to call me if you want to visit her, but don't get disappointed if you have to reschedule. I know you all understand that and concure with my thoughts.


Elisabeth och Robert said...

Vad roligt att höra Jaana att du mår bättre !!Du är så himla duktig och kämpar på .En kompis till mej berättade om en kille i vår ålder som också fick en stroke ..Han blev lam och förlorade talet precis som du .Idag är han HELT ÅTERSTÄLLD och det kommer du också att bli !!

MÅNGA kramar till DEJ, Jugge och Barnen //Elisabeth

Unknown said...

Did you get the results on that mycoplasma check? I sure wonder what it was that knocked us all out a year plus ago in Singapore.

Regards from a cold Chicago,
Olle & Vanny

Courtney Malcarney said...


Ouch - hope you are feeling OK and not too swollen from those nasty wisdom teeth. Ice seems to be the cure for swelling. Good luck!

Hi Jaana! Have a good day and try to keep Jorgen laughing til his teeth (or no teeth) feel better.

Missy and Co.

Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen,
vilka bra planer, verkligen schysst överblick.
Skratt gör underverk, härligt. Imorse när jag walkade i Nehru-parken hade de skratt-yoga på ett ställe, det är för roligt. Måste tänka på det när jag läser om er idag.
Sköt om er, kram
Ulrica m familj