Thursday, April 3, 2008

3rd of April

8.27pm Thursday evening. It has been some time since the last posting, but I do not want to repeat myself too much. Jaana's progress is still steady. The therapists do very methodical regular evaluation to have some feeling for progress and it is happening. For example, Jaana is much better in holding her head up without constant reminders (sometimes needed but not as often as before), her vision and alertness to things around her is very good, her balance is improving, her left arm is slowly getting stretched out again and will need some heavy exercise to get the muscles back. All in all small steps, but all good. In a few weeks the bars for her walking practice will arrive as the physio therapist had wanted to wait until the rest of her muscles were ready. Now they are. Sometimes Jaana's mood is a bit on the sad side. I think she realizes this will take a long time and she gets frustrated. Imagine being as bright as always and not haven been able to speak properly for 6 months. I feel deeply for her, and can not even imagine what it feels like. In addition, I think she often worries a lot. This could have to do with her short term memory is not 100%. She forgets were the children or I am at a given time, and then starts crying. It is hard and I have to repeat everything many times to make sure she has a good chance to remember.
The boys are having a field day/week! Easter break is 3 weeks here so they still have one left. This week they have attended a sailing course are both now hooked on it. Think the movie Pirates of the Caribbean could have had something to do with it... Camille is content to hang around me and Jaana. However though, she have expressed interest in golf and riding which I will follow up on next week and try to get her to do either or both.
The two dogs (yes, we have two!) eat a rat which died of poison so they were very sick this morning. I took them to the vet were they are now staying until tomorrow and are getting a blood transfusion.
And on a footnote, Parmi is turning 30 tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARMI! Tradition has it in the Molen family that the birthday 'child' has the right to decide dinner. I guess we are all having noodles and rice tomorrow. All good.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Det låter fint allting.
Förstår dock att det känns tungt emellanåt, Jaana, att det tar sin tid. Men du är stark och klok, så bra.
Värmen har kommit tillbaka till Delhi efter vintermånaderna. Vi har det bra. Snart blir det sommarlov ett par veckor i Tyskland och sen ett en och en halv månad på Dalarö.
Grattis i efterskott till Parmi!
Kram till er alla!
Ulrica m familj

Melinda said...

Hi all

Glad to hear all is well. well done janna, you will never give up i know.thinking ofyou always.

love Mel x

Silvana said...

Ciao Jurgen