Friday, June 13, 2008

13th of June

6.55am Friday morning. Since being back from Miami, Jaana has continued with her rehab as usual. No immediate difference, rather than the botox is certainly starting to kick in. Maximum effect should be after around 3 weeks, but her left arm is now easy to extend so she will focus a lot of training on this. Otherwise, she is ready to do more walking and training exercises with the parallel bars and speech therapy. Some of the mild side effect of the warfarin is disappearing (itchiness etc) and she does obviously not bleed so easily anymore.
Summer is here in Barbados with a lot more rain. This is very welcome as the lawns were getting burnt down before. Some very light tropical depression has moved across the island, but nothing close to a heavy rain storm in Singapore yet. Australia is touring the West Indies with test cricket matches all over and now it is the turn for Barbados. The whole island sort of stops. I will take the kids on Saturday and for the 20-20 next week.
Kids are fine. They are all looking forward to their summer break (and so am I!).

1 comment:

Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen!
Sander manga hjartliga halsningar fran sommarlovet i Stockholmsskargard.
Fint att ni landat val och att allt gick bra. Vi tanker pa er.
Kram, Ulrica m familj