Friday, June 20, 2008

20th of June

6.45pm Friday evening. I just wanted to write something short about Jaana's progress since our Miami trip. There will be a photo posted shortly, taken from today to show some of the same. However though, I just brought her upstairs, when she is walking on her own in the stairs with me helping out with the balance. At the top of the stairs, she stood all on her own holding my hand to correct the balance herself. When she felt she was falling backwards she pulled and pushed when falling forward. This lasted for at least 3 minutes and she could have done more, but it was the end of the day and she wanted to rest. Fantastic! I can really see some good progress being made in the last couple weeks and we are now pushing hard as she is ready for some more exercises. Perhaps the road is a long one, but at least we can now see some great progress.
The neurologist professor is coming down to Barbados again in July, when he will see Jaana to check up on her progress.
Yesterday Jaana went out for lunch with three other mums in school and with Parmi. They all had great fun and Jaana (I as told) enjoyed it very much and smiled/laughed many times. This will, I am sure, be a reoccurring event.


Reed family said...

Fantastic fantastic! So happy your hsrd work is paying off Jaana.
Keep it up,Danielle

Ulrica och Robin said...

Sa fint, stor kram!
Ulrica m familj

peter said...

Hey dear Jaana, Jörgen and kids

A very big HURRA for Janaa and Jörgen. What a fantastic news. Thank you for your "Spirit" Janaa, you are so strong, and thank you Jörgen for "broadcasting" the good news. Keep it up, the both of you.

A big hug for you

Snezana, Sofia and Peter

Håkan said...

Bra Bra !!

Har läst flera inlägg, nu kommer ett själv. Keep on figting !

Håkan Burtsoff m familj

Jill and Damian said...

Fantastic news. Well done!

Gittan said...

Hej Jaana & Co!

Oerhört glädjande att läsa om dina framsteg och ditt kämpande, Jaana. Förstår att det är frustrerande, att man alltid vill att det ska gå snabbare. Tycker dina framsteg var stora sist vi träffades och önskar dig all lycka i rehabiliteringen.

Hörde att Ritva och Didde snart hälsar på er. Mia och jag skickar med lite smått & gott till barnen. Ritva berättade också att Camille saknade mer "tjejiga" kläder och framför allt "pink & sweet" :) Jag har varit på en shoppingtur idag och hoppas att Camille och jag har samma smak. Pippi-trosor lär i alla fall gå hem:)

Saknar er alla och längtar efter att ses. Vad har ni för mailadress? Tänkte att ni skulle få se lite bilder på våra två småbrudar och vårt renoveringsobjekt till hus.

Ta hand om er, många kramar från
Gittan, Micke, Nellie och Nova