Friday, August 22, 2008

22nd of August

3.54pm Thursday afternoon. Jaana has been a bit fed up this week with training. She asked for a day off, and had her last day for the week today. She is making some slow and steady progress, but she does not see it and thinks it goes too slow. There are some tears here and there at time, but unfortunately, the only thing that helps in the long run is steady training. She is now standing around 8min on her own.
The kids summer break is soon coming to an end, but there are still some fun time to be had. Ludde and I went on a 110 foot dive the other day, Totte has been playing golf and Camille had one more week of horse riding.
We all have some very close Italian friends over this week and we are all enjoying their company.


John och Carina said...

Hejsan Jaana!
Det var länge sen jag hörde av mig, men tankarna finns varje dag hos dig och familjen. Här börjar hösten att närma sig. Träden börjar ändra färg och höstregnet vill inte ge sig.Skolorna har börjat och vardagen är på sin plats igen. Anton går sista året nu på gymnasiet och Frida börjar i nian.Man märker att tiden går fort när man ser hur gamla barn man har. Jag vill med detta lilla meddelande gratulera dig på din födelsedag 6/9!
Grattis Jaana och hoppas du får en bra dag!!! Sköt om dig och krama familjen.
Grattiskramar från John, Carina, Anton, Frida, Esa, Aila, Marita, Ola, Christopher, Mia, Linda och Robin

Courtney Malcarney said...

Dear Jaana, Jörgen, Ludwig, Jonathan and Camille,
It has been a long time since I last wrote. The year has just flown by it seems. We think of you much more than we write!!
Happy Birthday Jaana!!! We hope you have a most excellent day and a healthy, happy year ahead.
Jaana, you look fantastic in the photos! It is nice to see you and your gardens look beautiful.
We are all doing well here in Switzerland. Eric is in 4th grade and Freya in 3rd. Eric playing trumpet and still playing ice hockey. Freya started violin and we're waiting for the afterschool sport list to come back. I'm still at the international school. Had a good start. I'm taking off one day a week for the next few months while I'm doing chemo. All is going well with htat and i'm feeling great, not like the last time at all. Courtney has just moved to a new office annd seems that things are going very good for him at the moment.
Hope all your gang is off to a good start in the new school year.
Take care for now. Keep strong and keep up the great progress.
Love, xo Missy, Courtney, Eric and Freya

Chriiiiina said...

Vill också grtatta dig Jaana på din födelsedag idag 6/9-08.

Brev är på väg om det inte kommit fram ännu.

Kram från Chriina och Samuel

Åse L said...

Hej Jaana, och ett STORT GRATTIS på födelsedagen!
Jag hoppas att du får en fin födelsedag med familjen, och att ni alla har det bra!

Tusen kramar från oss alla. Åse m. familj