Saturday, August 2, 2008

2nd of August

7.04am Saturday morning. Not too much to report, other than that Jaana broke another record standing on her own leaning against the well exercise. 7min and 30sec. Her strength and balance is improving noticeably. Her initiation is showing some progress, specially when she is not tired. We had some friends over for a week, who had not seen Jaana since when she had the mycoplasma and was in her worst state. They were very impressed with her abilities and progress.
The children has been playing with their friends last week and today, surfs up. Camille is at a friends for a sleep over. I will leave for Europe and will be back within a week. Camille will have one more riding camp before the summer is over and Ludde and I will do some more diving.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen!
Sander massa halsningar fran Delhi, kom tillbaka forra veckan, idag borjade terminen, Matilda i tredje klass och Frida i Kindergarten. Robin jobbar pa och reser, jag undervisar, pluggar engelska och organiserar den indiska vardagen. Allt gott.
Varma tankar, skot om er, det later som att ni har det bra, fint, kram!
Ulrica m familj

Doris Gierlach said...

Dear Jaana & Family
I just read through the last few months and am very impressed with all that you have done and acomplished Jaana. Walking up your stairs. This is really something. I love the pictures of Camille and you and understand that your mother has been in for a visit. This I am sure is all great. We think of all of you often. The kids and I were in S. Korea in June and beginning of July. Ashley danced with instruction from a professional ballet in Chicago this past July. Ron and his friends created a band and have been performing locally. Rock on Ron. Ed just completed a triathlon. Jan and Pelle are riding their bikes and swimming. And I continue to run for preparation of the Chicago Marathon. I hope to hear from you. Give my best to Parmi and the kids.
Pelle still tells us that when he grows up he will live in Barbados.
All our love,
Doris & Ed and the kids

Christina Lundh said...

Vi har nyss kommit hem efter nio sköna vandringsdagar i österrikiska Ischgl (mest känt i Sverige för skidåkning); ibland har vi hållit oss på den österrikiska sidan, ibland på den schweiziska. Några dagar hade vi faktiskt med oss passen i ryggsäckarna, ifall nu någon skulle velat granska oss! (Det var det ingen, som ville!) Jag tycker, att vi hade ovanlig tur med vädret; sol i sju dagar, och endast en dag krävde regnjacka. Då vet jag inte, om det egentligen regnade, eller om vi bara vandrade bland molnen! Fint i alla fall! Bra hotell, trevlig personal, massor av god mat.
Christer har börjat jobba igen idag; jag har två lediga veckor kvar och åker till mamma (Jane) i Stockholm några dagar. Hoppas Ritva har tid att träffa mig också!
Du ser fin ut på bilderna, Jaana! Fortsätt träna flitigt, även om det tar emot ibland! Vi tänker mycket på er allihop.
Hälsningar och kram från Christina

catherine said...

Dear Jaana and Jurgen, I have finally managed to reply to the blogg thanks to my brother in law. I have been reading the blogg regularly, Jaana you are fantastic! It's great to see the pictures, Camille has grown so much! The kids start school today, Manon has her first day at Kindergarten this afternoon. We were in France in the summer, saw friends and family. It was hot! My mum sends her love. We have a new kitten, we cannot agree about a name, Zidane, Socrate, Zinedine? Anything you want posted from Switzerland? Love to you all. Keep it up!