Friday, October 24, 2008

24th of October 2008

6.37pm Friday evening. The last week we have had some doctors over from the US. The first batch was the Neurologist with a friend of his who injected some more botox for Jaana. This is already taking effect and the arm is yet again easier to move for her. Neurology wise there is no change, as expected. Later in the week we had a Neropsychologist in from North Carolina. She asked Jaana a lot of questions and had quite a bit of information to give us in the end and had some great concrete ways we could change and improve her day. She was quite tough with Jaana but the result is that we now know that Jaana is quite in a depressed state of mine with great fear of dying, having no future, never improving, guilt etc etc. We all know that is wrong, but as I am sure you all can appreciate, we would all likely feel the same. Anyway, we will need to be a bit firmer with Jaana and she will need to do more things on her own, even if she cries. Obviously, this is very difficult for both Parmi and myself, but we have been instructed to force her even more. The psychologist also met and observed all the therapists. She was very impressed and happy with all their work, but also suggested a few changes and we will need to structure one more hour in the afternoon with activities. The issue is to have the same schedule every day to build up a pattern. This is very well executed in the morning, but needs some more work in the afternoon. Some computer work with her new toy, painting and social gatherings etc. I will get a fully report from her within a week or so and we will schedule her return in around 6 weeks time. Funny enough, what she thinks Jaana's lack of initiation is caused by is her depression and not any medical/neurological issue. As I have always written to you, Jaana is capable of much more than she actually does. She is afraid of even trying and she thinks that she will never be good anyway. We need to break this pattern of bad thoughts and get some good ones in there instead.
On Sunday I will take the kids to Miami and then drive straight to Orlando and to visit Donald and crew. It should be great, and I have planed a few things in advance so I hope we will not have to wait too long in queues for the rides. We will be returning on Friday when my father is also coming. Then later in the following week, I will travel to Europe for a week.


Reed family said...

Hello Jaana,

I hope you are having a good day today. I always think of you and check to see what you are up to. Keep up the good work.
Emma said for you to give Camille a kiss from her because she misses her. We are now living in Hong Kong and miss all our wonderful SG friends!

Ulrica och Robin said...

Vi tanker pa er!
Kram Ulrica m familj