Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1st of October

4.53pm Wednesday afternoon. I just returned from a very short trip, but Jaana has been doing her stuff everyday as usual. She had some mums from school over and they cooked and eat lunch together. Jaaan seem to enjoy listening and participating in the conversation and like to get the latest gossip from school. Last Saturday we all went to the movies! All of you know that Jaana loved going to the movies so this has great for her. We say Mamma Mia, which we all enjoyed. As with books/movies, the musical was a lot better than the movie, but anyway... After the movie, we went for a pizza (to the Italian pizza place... Mamma Mia!) and had fun! On the Sunday, Jaana was exhausted and slept all day almost.
The kids are well! I have promised them that we shall go to Orlando and do the parks on their October break. They are all looking forward to this, specially since we did not go anywhere for the summer.
Otherwise, I have two friends coming for a few days, the neurology professor is coming just after that and then it is Orlando time. Just when we get back, my father is coming for a few days while I have to do another trip to Europe! So, October will be a bit hectic but fun for us all!


Reed family said...

Happy to hear life is busy and full of adventures! Thanks for sharing...Danielle

Ulrica och Robin said...

Det later toppen, vad bra ni ordnar med allt!
Vi flyttar tillbaka till Singapore nasta vecka.
Stor kram
Ulrica, Robin, Matilda och Frida

heloiza Montuori said...

Dear Jaana,
I ve been out of messages for a looong time, but cant say the same about my thoughts and prayers which are with you and family always...
It was great to see your photo with Camille in your lap, you look great and I miss you very much!
Your will and your family are incredible, I am so happy to hear you are improving every day!
Much love

Christina Lundh said...

Hej allihop!
Det låter som väldigt goda nyheter! Härligt att du, Jaana, har fått några nya kompisar att luncha och skvallra lite med ibland! Det behöver vi ju alla, oavsett hur fästa vi är vid våra närmaste.
Hos oss är det höst och blir nu tidigt mörkt på kvällarna. (Jag lyckas glömma detta varje sommar!) Några morgnar den här veckan har varit nollgradiga med tät dimma, inte så kul att köra bil i.
Om ett par veckor åker Christer och jag på en veckas höstsemester till Kreta. Hoppas vädret blir hyggligt! Regn, blåst, m.m. vill vi gärna lämna här hemma.
Ha det nu riktigt bra allihop! Och fortsätt öva lika flitigt, Jaana!
Kram från Christina