Thursday, October 11, 2007

12th of October

10.26 Friday morning. Jaana slept ok during the night and I took all the kids to see her before they want to school. This was nice since she was wide awake and got to spend some time with them. She is still getting the drop and will probably do so until she is a bit more awake and if it is not bothering the physio sessions. I have talked to the CEO of the hospital and he apologized of what happened yesterday. We have agreed to that one of the ward nurses will be with her at all times when I or any of her fiends can not be there(i.e. late night etc). The problem with the private nurse is that we both feel that this concept do not really include them in the hospital nurse team. This leads to accidents (which obviously should not happen) like the one just happened. Anyway, all in good order and all quite on the western front.

7.30pm Friday evening. Jaana has been a bit sleepy today. I really hope this was just today and that she picks up the phase next week. It is a long weekend here in Singapore, so physio therapy will be less intense for a few days. Regardless, that is not the realy issue, but being awake and being able to consume food is more important. She is getting extra drop when sleeping so she does not dehydrate.


gaby&christophe said...

Dear Jaana

Remember us? We met for the first time at our friends Lotta’s and Sven’s house in Baar many years ago. After that, we went out a couple of times for breakfast or coffee. We were also at your farewell parties when you left for Australia and Singapore. Although we have lost touch over the years, we have kept track of how you are doing through Lotta. Today, I was very sorry to hear that you have been sick. It is so unbelievable that something like this could happen to such a young and healthy person.

Even though we have not had a lot of contact over the last few years, I know you to be a strong and determined woman with a great sense of humor. We are sure that these qualities will help you to overcome the problems of late. We read Jorgen’s comments in your website about your recovery. You seem to be making great progress. Jaana, keep up the good work and don’t stop fighting. Even if it seems to be a long, hard battle, I am sure you will win it in the end. You are in our thoughts.

We send a big hug to you, Jorgen, Jonathan, Ludovic and Camille

Gaby and Christophe with Yannic and Valentin

Laijla said...

Åter en vecka med framsteg - trots att det som inte fick hända ändå hände. Fortsätt med er kamp - "träning ger färdighet" gäller alltid.

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