Saturday, October 13, 2007

14th of October

10.26 Sunday morning. Today Jaana is feeling a bit better, even though the cold is still present. She has a rather irritation cough, but she seem quite a bit more alert than yesterday. She will be given only drop today, and tomorrow I hope she can be back on the food/water on her own. Some physio will be done in her room as it is Sunday. If she is feeling better tomorrow, she will be going down to he exercise room.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Hej Jaana!
Hoppas att förkylningen ger vika snabbt, fint att du iallfall mår bättre idag.
Nu är vi tillbaka i Delhi igen, långt borta - men våra tankar är hos er, kram till dig och familjen
Ulrica, Robin, Matilda, Frida

Luca&Janine said...

Dear Jaana,

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling to well.
It must be difficult for you, but keep up your battle .
I miss you , i miss our phone calls.
I wish i could see you for a moment,and give you a hug

Remeber you are my best friend,and i need you...