Friday, October 26, 2007

26th of October

6.31pm Friday evening. Again a late report. I find myself running around being busy and getting nothing done. That is not all true, but there is a s..t lot of things Jaana has been doing which I have not thought of (sorry all guys if I get you into trouble...). All stuff at home (paper work etc); Jaana has done all of it. I am getting organized, but it is not my strong point. Good thing she did such a good job before getting ill, since it is fairly easy to find.
Anyway, back to my dear wife. Today was a repeat of the last couple of days. In excellent mood, she finished a Quiche Lorraine, stole my doughnut, had some mango cheesecake and drank some mango/orange juice. The last couple of days she has had around 1000ml liquid which is just enough. Let's hope she keeps this up and she will certainly be home within 2-3 weeks.
Today I had a discussion about wheelchairs and other stuff which she needs. She is getting one made and it should be finished within a couple of weeks.
I wish you all a scary Halloween!


musse said...

Underbart att höra om din aptit, Jaanalainen. Snart är du hemma igen!
ÖNskar bara att jag kunde komma upp och hälsa på dig. Själv har jag fastnat i facebook så vill du se min nuna får du hänga på!
Stor kram

Mia said...

Hej på er allihop,

Önskar er en bra halloween! Själv blir det inget halloween-firande utan innebandymatch i eftermiddag och sen tjejmiddag.

Kramar Mia