10.43am Tuesday morning. Sorry everyone, but I did write 2 posts and they seem to have disappeared. I used to be a good programmer, but have since obviously degraded to not being able to even post these things reliably. Again, my apologies.
Anyway, back to the matter in hand, Jaana. I was quite worried there for a while that I had to take her back to the hospital for rehydration. She has since picked up drinking a bit, but it goes slow. It can take up to 45min to feed her 100ml, so one has to understand that if she is sleeping a lot, it gets a bit difficult. That is why her awareness is so important. Anyway, a few of her friends came by this morning and she was feeling very joyful. It was nice for us all to see her smile and enjoy their company.
A hospital nurse came by yesterday to verify her INR value and test for microplasma. The INR value came back in line with expectations (so no need to change the Warfarin dosage) and the other tests are coming back today.
6.10pm Tuesday afternoon. Blood test made yesterday reviled that Jaana has mycoplasma. You can read more about this on the Internet, and since my last attempt to supply you with links explaining Strawberries/VitaminK was met with scepticism, I will leave the research up to each one of you. The cure seem to be antibiotics, which she has already been issued today. This is something we all should check out (specially here in Singapore with a lot of it going around). It can take many forms and pop up when ever. Everyone of you who know Jaana well, would know that she falls a sleep early every evening and mycoplasma is also called 'Chronic Fatigue Disease'. She could have had this for some time, without knowing. Anyway, with a bit of luck (it sure is Jaana turn now) this could have caused her late physical deterioration. Let's pray, wait and see...
Monday, November 12, 2007
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Dear Jaana
I just tried to send you a message and it never made it so I will quickly try to repeat my previous message. You are HOME. Congratulations. I hear your mom is with you as well. That is wonderful. Listen, I am not going to attempt to understand all that is going through your mind. I would imagine it is all rather surreal being in a familiar place and yet not quite being where you would like to see yourself in terms of mobility, communication and for that matter independence, but you need to feel pretty excited about no more fishballs for breakfast. I and Lisa Seyring would like to pamper you in some way. And as you know everything is purchasable in the States, so give us some clues: What music inspires you? What movies make you laugh? What scent makes you feel beautiful? We really want you to know that we are with you for the long haul and hope you will let us support you.
All my best to Jorgen, your mother and the kids, Doris Gierlach
Tjena Jaana o Jörgen,
Man undrar ju lite när du inte skriver nåt på några dar, men samtidigt är det ju förståligt att bloggen inte är prio ett nu när Jaana är hemma.
Hoppas att hemmarutiner så sakterliga börjar sitta och att Jaana snabbt kommer in i en bra vana med sömn, träning och mat så att läkandet tuffar på.
Här hemma i Sverige är det skitväder. Snö blandat regn och temperaturen hoppar runt nollan. Alla trafikanter, SJ och SL blir lika förvånade som vanligt att snön faller i Sverige någon gång på hösten. Dessutom är det mörkt 23,5 timmar per dygn och 30 min grå dask. Man undrar ju verkligen varför ursvenskarna gick hit efter förra istiden och inte till Las Vegas eller nåt roligare, varmare och ljusare ställe.
Aja... Kämpa på Jaana och Jörgen. Hoppas att allt blir lite lättare denna vecka.
Vi tänker på er
Peter och Louise
Jaana, It was so wonderful to see you today! I loved to see you joining in on the laugh we had. See you next time to share Mel's shortbread.Love Danielle xx
Hej Jaana och Jörgen,
Välkommen hem Jaana!!
Det är svårt att förstå hur det känns för dig, och hur du har uppfattat den här tiden, men du gör ett fantastiskt jobb och ge inte upp! Har inte läst bloggen på några dagar då vi har varit sjuka (vanlig influensa) och jag har haft först deadlinen på nya jobbet. Trivs bra, men det har blivit för mycket jobb och det märks på Hanna och Erika som sover sämre och kommer gåendes till oss varje natt.
Längtar tills vi får träffa dig i Sverige om du kommer hem till jul.
Massor av kramar till dig och Jörgen, Ludde, Totte och Camille
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