Thursday, November 1, 2007

1st of November

4.36pm Thursday afternoon. I have been running around today and have not had any chance to write until now. Jaana is a bit more tired the last 48h than just earlier. As with all of us, we have great days and days where we would rather curl up and watch a movie instead. Anywau, she is doing ok and the doctors ordered a routine check up with the MRI just for confirmation all is going well. I will head over there in a a few hours with quesadillas. I have booked Jaanas flight back to Europe and will go with her to Stockholm arriving around late morning on the 3rd of December.
Weather in Singapore is warm but rather cloudy. As we are approaching the monsoon season, it tends to rain a bit more. We were spared all of smog from Indonesia this year so that is good.


Elisabeth och Robert said...

Hej min vän ,jag fick veta vad som hänt 3 dagar sedan .Då pratade Robert med Jugge .Vi har nu suttit och läst igenom alla dagar som Jugge har skrivit och berättat om dina framsteg .Jag är så ledsen och arg över vad som har hänt dej .Jag vet att du grejar det här Jaana, och jag tänker på dej varje dag.Jag önskar att du var närmre så att jag kunde vara hos dej och prata en stund .Vi finns här för er och när ni kommer hem till Sverige kan Ludde,Totte och Camille komma till oss och vara med Teo,Alicia och William så mycket dom vill !!
KRAM från Elisabeth och Robert

Doris Gierlach said...

Dear Jaana, Jorgen, Ludwig (Ludde), Jonathan (Totte) & Camille;
Greetings from Chicago. I am Doris, Ed Gierlach's wife. I have the kids asleep and Ed is at work so I thought I would sit and read Jaana's Great Revenge. Jaana, I am finding it hard to find the words to say what I feel. Like yourself I am a mom in my early 40's, I have four children and a husband who works hard and loves us all. We are pretty much busy all the time and doing our best to raise our family and enjoy the mememorable moments along the way. When Jorgen shared all that had happened Jaana, I think we were a bit numbed by it all. Jaana, your life changing stroke and recovery, puts in perspective just how fragile life is and what really matters. I do not know you personally, yet there has not been a day I have not thought of you and prayed for you. I think about what goes through your mind. The wondering, the frustrations and the hope. Jaana what has happened to you I would wish upon no one, yet I see when I read the love and devotion your husband and family has for you how blessed you really are. Jaana, I know you have a lot of hard work ahead of you, but look how far you have already come. I use to work in a rehabilitation hospital and I have had my mother and aunt and uncle all go through rehab. Two because of strokes. Jaana you are an inspiration to me. You have so much to fight for and you are not alone. I do not know if our paths will ever cross but please know I have you in my thoughts daily. I thank your husband for keeping us updated on your recovery. When I read between the lines, I see how much he loves you. If there is a food, or something from the U.S. we could send, please let us know. I look forward to read about the day you go home!
Doris Gierlach
PS. Ron, Ashley, Jan & Pelle prayer for your recovery every night.

Doris Gierlach said...

Hello it is Doris, Ed's wife again. Happy Birthday!! I hope Jorgen managed to offer you a mojito cocktail. I still think about how good that tasted when we visited you. I am happy to hear the weather has been good for you. Florida and Cuba have been hit hard, I believe Texas is in for some storms too. I am not sure how often Jorgen and you look at these comments. Ed and I will be in Michigan this weekend for a wedding. I know from Jorgen's comments how hard you work. I had to run 20 miles on Monday this past week. Ed rode his bike next to me for water and support. When I start I can never think of it as 20 miles because then I feel overwhelmed. But when I think of it as four sets of 5 miles then I can psychologically put my head around it. The first 5 miles is relatively easy, the next 5 miles I hit a bit of a threshhold around 8 miles and then just put my mind some where else and before I know it I have run 10 miles. I ussually say at this point its half way and the legs start to go a bit so I take some energy gel and drink alot. At 15 miles I am saying to myself you can't quit you only have 5 more to go. It begins to rain hard and the rain makes me cold and my shoes are running in puddle and feel like there is 10 extra pounds on them. At this point I cannot even acknowledge Ed its like giving birth. I can only focus on one foot in front of the other. And then Jaana I think of you and how hard you work and I get stubborn and strong. I will not quit. I will finish. And I did. The real Marathon is Oct. 12th and it is 26.2 miles. Jaana you will be part of the driving force that brings me across the finish line. With that, congratulations on working hard. In spirit I am with you.
Doris Gierlach