Sunday, November 4, 2007

5th of November

3.22pm Monday afternoon. Again another day of physiotherapy and so on, with nothing special going on. Her muscle weakness is noticeable and I hope it will improve over time. As she needs her rest as well, the therapist discourage more intensive rehab for mentioned reason. However though, I think with her coming home, going to Sweden for some weeks will do her just good. One has to be patient and one could easily estimate her recovery to take quite some, but that we have.
She has been clear by both her doctors (neurosurgeon and neurologist) and the Singapore Airlines doctor for her travel. Today I bought with help from Hakan some genius (to me!) simple strap with a secure shoulder band for me, so I can easily care her whole weight and guide her around. This will make it possible for me to bring her to/from the airplane better. It is all being put in place, one piece at a time.


Elisabeth och Robert said...

Hej Jaana och Jörgen
Vi tänker mycket på er jag och Robert.Ni är så otroliga och vi tycker så mycket om er .Det kan kännas motigt ibland det förstår jag ,men ni grejar det här !!Ni måste bara ha tålamod,vilja och ilska ...Ni har alla förutsättningar med all den bästa träningen ,rehab osv ..
Ni har oss.Låt oss bara veta om vi kan göra något för att hjälpa ?Vad det än kan vara ..
Många Kramar //Elisabeth Robert

Peter o Louise said...

Tjena tjena,

Vi har inte läst bloggen på en vecka, varit på Madeira, en perfekt ö för pigga pensionärer, Golf, prommenader, massor av blommor men mindre munter för en barnfamilj med tre ytterst välartade grabbar, not.

Försökte dricksa all personal tills dom skulle bli vänliga men inget hjälpte. Undrar om inte Madeiranerna och Frankfurtborna gick samma charmkurs.

Aja djuphavsfisket efter marlin är av världsklass, chartrade en fin fin båt och kajkade runt i timmtal, resultat nada. Vi såg en val komma upp och blåsa och en skev sköldpadda plaska runt lite men inte ett hugg, inte en fisk.

Va skönt att Jaana är på väg hem. Det blir säkert ett lyft för henne att ha barna och allt det vanliga runt sig.

Vi tänker på er allihopa, kör på.

kramar Möllrarna

Melanie King said...


It is Monday afternoon in Barbados so by the time you read this it will be Tuesday in Singapore and what a momentous day it will be! Your return home, so anxiously awaited by you and your family. will finally happen.
You must be deliriously happy.
To return home.
To see, touch, smell, hear, everything familiar and reassuring.
Comfort taken and given.
To return to the middle, the centre, the heart.

One great day with many more to come!

Claudia + family said...

Dear Jaana

Don't be sad, very soon you will be back home! Your family is very much looking forward to it, to have you back home! You will feel much better then. Look at your wonderful husband! He is doing EVERYTHING for you, preparing so many things, very soon you are back in Sweden and you will see your whole family again. You made such a great progress and of course there are days which everything goes a bit more slowly. But don't be sad, you have all the time you need and your family and all friends will always help and support you.
Have a very good day and a good move back home. I wished to see your eyes when you get there... and out of the hospital!
Big hug
Claudia and family

Leena said...

Hei Serkkurukku!
I hope you have joyfull return back home. We all relatives in Finland are thinking about you and wish you all the best.Jörgen is taking good care off you. Be patient with recovering, You will be fine, just it takes some time.
Big hug, Leena and Yasmin.
Liisa and Jussi with all family,
Laila and Esko.