Thursday, May 15, 2008

15th of May

5.38pm Thursday afternoon. The last week Jaana has been a bit fed up with the whole rehabilitation thing. That is easy to understand, as she has done so nonstop since the end of September last year. We decided to give her a few days off (Friday and Monday) and she has since then performed a bit better. She is getting noticeably frustrated with the slow progress. She can do more things than she performs, as it is more a lack of initiative then skills. If one ask her to do something within her capabilities, she does the same, but not unprompted. We are all scratching out heads why this is, but it might very well be time for her to talk to a professional psychotherapist. We are trying to find one which is used to handle patients with limited communication skills. Otherwise, she is actually doing ok. I am still in contact with the doctors from Singapore to get feedback from them as well as the specialist in Miami (where the trip is now being organized for the first weke in June).
Kids are find. They have had the week off (mid term break) and today we went ot the Concorde museum at the airport. Camille is a bit under the weather, so after this she wanted to go home, while I took the kids to the beach so they could buggie board (surfing on the stomach with a foam board).
I have also have had some time to golf, do some business stuff etc so there is everyone is doing ok. We have some good friends from Australia coming in next week so that should be fun as well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jaana!
I hope you enjoyed your few days off physio and are now a bit happier to get back to it with a bit of gusto! Every girl needs a break now and then hu! Sounds like Barbados is just paradise for the kids, the boys sound like they are in their element and hope Camille is just as happy. Hope she is feeling well now? Please give her a big hug from Sienna and I. Jorgen you also keep up the great work, you really are a pillar of strength and your family are SOOO lucky to have you as a husband and dad.
Take Care all x x x x x

Kirsi said...

Hej gumman, kämpa på nu tjejen även om det kan kännas trögt ibland. Du om någon klarar detta, du är ju trots den starkaste mest jordnära person som jag känner och dessutom med massor av finsk sisu. Håll humöret uppe. Jag tänker på dig. Sköt om er allihoppa.
Massor av kramar från mig