Friday, May 2, 2008

2nd of May

6.39pm Friday evening. Not too much to report from the past week other than that Jaana is doing all ok. I think she has a tail end of a mild cold, as she has a bit of a runny nose. Exercise wise, all therapist have expressed satisfaction of her performance this week (as you all know by now, it is not a straight line). On Wednesday, Jaana came with me to school to pick up the children. It is a rather bumpy ride at times, and certainly put a bit of strain on her. She managed fine though through out the 1h we were in the car.
After speaking to the doctor in Miami, we have not been able to coordinate a time before June for Jaana to do the extra investigations. This is due to his busy schedule and the fact I want him to be around for all the duration of the tests and add on treatments. As there is absolutly no hurry with this, it is no problem to wait until the beginning of June.
Kids are fine. I bought 5 sheep to cut down the grass, fertilize the ground and later provide with some good meat. The gardener and I are built a shed for them to protect them from the sun and the monkeys. I trust that we will in a year or so have around 10 or them as I got 2 male and 3 female. Next on the agenda when we have build a fence around the fruit tree field (currently without fruit trees!), we might get some hens and chickens as well. Parmi said she can "prepare" them so I will let her lead the way later...


Reed family said...

GREAT! Keep up the strong focus Jaana, thinking of you always.Love Danielle x

Christina Lundh said...

Hej alla!
Vi har haft minnesförlust på hårddisken! Nu håller vi /framför allt Christer) på att lägga in alla favoriter igen. Eftersom vi inte varit särskilt bra på att göra back ups, har vi förstås helt förlorat en del, som fanns i datorn. Tja, det är bara att se glad ut ändå.
Nu har jag fått länken till bloggen igen från Ritva, så jag kan följa utvecklingen hos er långt där borta.
Kämpa på, Jaana!
Kramar från ett vårligt Lindesberg med massor av gullvivor och fåglar, som låter i buskarna,