Tuesday, May 27, 2008

27th of May

5.18pm Tuesday afternoon. Jaana has caught a cold and has a bit of a soar throat. Saying that, she is still chipping away at her rehab sessions. As you some times with more intensity than other times, but speech therapy is a suffering a bit with the cold. On Sunday Jaana and I will fly to Miami for at least 3 days. We will do some test to try to confirm the cause of the stroke as a dissection of the blood vessel. If this can be done and confirmed, I am advised that we could stop with the warfarin. This would have many advantages as danger if she would have to have an operation for any other reason and less oxygen in her blood among others.
Ludwig's arm is healing, but he is now finding it very boring and hard to sit still. I am not to sure if it will not take a bit longer because of this. He wants to be in the pool and do all the other things Totte and Camille is doing. We will see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaana! Hey so exciting for me to see a photo of you in last blog! Even though side on it is defintely good to see you looking so strong and smiling. Keep up the good work wont you and keep enjoying the fresh air and sunshine of Barbados.
Hi Jorgen! you doing a great job as usual, such a positive support to your whole family.
x x x Jody