Wednesday, June 4, 2008

4th of June

6.48pm Wednesday afternoon. Jaana and I are just back in the hotel room in Miami after having spent one night at the Jackson Memorial Hospital over night. Her INR value was a bit high upon arrival so we needed to wait one day with some Vitamin K injected and some salad to get her value lowered. That was ok this morning so the scheduled angiogram was done which later showed all her blood vessles well healed. As the professor earlier saw hints of dissections, the confirmation of these being back to normal and her blood values still not showing any irregularities, a decision was taken to stop the warfin treatment. This was the major reason for the trip, so all well. Blood thinners can be very bad if used for a longer period of time, so this is great news. There were additional studies conducted which confirmed Jaana has no large PFO (whole in the heart) which could have let cloths through from other parts of her body. Botox was injected to ease up some tone in her left arm and tomorrow we are doing a ENT study to check out if spacticity has anything to do with her speaking difficulties. As you can imagine, it has been a few very busy days and Jaana has at times showed fear for these examinations. I have tried to do my best to calm her and at the end, she as always been willing to participate. I am very proud of her to assamble the courage to go through with these tests. Some of them. not without risks.
Tomorrow is Ludwigs birthday. He is a little bit disappointed that we will not be there in the morning, but at least we will come home in the late afternoon to celebrate with him. I have bought his present here in Miami, but that is a secrete...
While we have been gone, a fantastic friend of mine has been staying with the children. Parmi is as always of great importance and is as always taking care of all household business perfectly.


Christina Lundh said...

Varma hälsningar från oss i Lindesberg, Sverige.
Skönt att slippa warfarinbehandlingen, Jaana! Visserligen är den livräddande, om/när blodet har tendens att koagulera alltför snabbt och proppa igen kärlen. Men den innebär onekligen pyssel med täta provtagningar och dosjusteringar, fast man inte gjort något annorlunda än vanligt; det kan Jane beskriva.
Här är sol och varmt! Vi åker nedåt Göteborg imorgon på Sveriges nationaldag; Christers yngste bror (inte heller så helt ung längre) bor där med sin familj.
Kramar från oss genom Christina

Reed family said...

Way to go Jaana.........
Hope your trip home is a good one and the birthday celebrations are enjoyed! Danielle

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaana and Jurgen,
Jaana you are a real trooper and you deserve a HUGE piece of birthday cake once you get home! All good in Singapore, last day of school so some relaxation due after a busy academic year for kids. Im sure the same for you there in Barbados!