Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10th of October

10.27am Wednesday morning. Jaana is a in a good mood this morning. She ate a lot for breakfast and is now down in the physio exercise room. The doctors have scheduled a small procedure in a few days to figure out if she has (like 10% of us!!!) a non-closed flap between the heart chambers. We all have this flap, which is a short cut in the heart necessary when we are in our mothers womb. When we take our first breath this flap is closed by one chamber is having a higher pressure that the other. With time, this flap is then grown into the heart and seals the short cut. In around 10% of us, there is a case of this flat not closing completly or not strong enough. This is normally not a problem and most of us will never know. However though, when blood comes from the vanes, cloths should stick in the lungs (which is harmless), but with this flap not closed, cloths could skip over to the other chamber, not passing the lungs and then out in the arteries (and up to the brain). The medication for this is the same which she is already on, warfrin. In addition though, if they find this, they will close it with an 'umbrella'. This is a quite simple procedure which is done through the vanes (no open heart stuff! don't worry!) and should not take more than 30min. Should this not exist, we know that cloths could not have been formed in other parts of the body and transferred to the brain (lungs are in the way!). There you have it, a crash course in cardiology!

10.30pm Wednesday evening. Jaana was sound asleep when I left the hospital. I think she has attracted a small common cold as she has a runny nose, cough and is more tired than normal. She did not drink enough today (only 480ml) so the doctors decided to put in over night drop. This is fine since it will make her not to dehydrate and have more energy tomorrow to fight the cold.She did not even notice when the drop was put in. They will try to give her around 1000ml over night. Talking to the doctors about the above mentioned procedure, there are some other twists to it, so I decided to wait for a little while, as the medication is still being given.


Chriiiiina said...

God fm (kl är halv 10 här)
Skönt att höra om framsteg. Men jag förstår att det också finns mycket tankar och frågor läkarna ännu inte kan svara på.
Styrke kramar och ha en bra dag.

Peter o Louise said...

Hejsan Jaana o Jörgen,

Som ni vet hade våran Oscar precis det problemet och när han var 18 månader sydde dom ihop hans hål.

Eftersom det är så många som 10% som har det problemet är det en standard operation. Oscar är sen många år medicinskt 100%-igt frisk förklarad. I alla fall från hjärtfelet i övrigt kan man ju undra, men det är nog mest tonårstrots.

Så generellt är hjärtoperationer inte en walk in the park men i dessa fall, nästan.

Hoppas att Jaana piggar på sig ytterligare några snäpp, lite framåt varje dag så...

Ha det

Peter o Lollo

Jill and Damian said...

Hi Jaana and Jorgen

Annie and John told us about Jaana at the weekend. Everyone was terribly shocked that such a thing could happen to such a young, healthy woman like Jaana.

We have been reading your blog and are blown away by the courage, strength and determined spirit that you and Jaana demonstrate - you are both an example to us all. We are reading your blog every day and it is great to hear that each day brings a small improvement. We know that Jaana is a strong woman and will continue to fight to improve.

Our thoughts are with you, Ludovic, Jonathan and Camille. Please give Jaana our love and tell her that we are thinking of her. Here's to toasting her full recovery and continued health in the not too distant future here in the South of France.

Jill, Damian, Josh and Ameliexxx

Unknown said...

Dear Jaana,

So good to read that you are on the road to recovery, each day getting better. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Keep your spirit up and look forward to a wonderful future ahead of you with your loving family.

All the best,

The Whites Down Under

Reed family said...

Janna, it was great to see you for a few seconds this AM. Jurgen it was just as good to see you willing and supporting Janna.
Hope you got to add the Croissant and banana to your food meal today!
Love Danielle x