Thursday, October 11, 2007

11th of October

5.35pm Thursday afternoon. Sorry for being late. This morning when I came to the hospital an incident had just happened. As Jaana was given a shower, she was left unattended for 15 seconds or so (I was told) and fell and hit herself. The issue is that her brain can not react and stop the fall, so she is just falling right into the shower wall and hurt herself. She got a big bump on her head, after which she was immediately sent down for a CT scan. It is very dangerous to get these kind of accidents when you are on Warfarin since the blood might not coagulate. Anyway, the CT scan showed no bleeding so that was good, but instead (always the silver lining) showed her sinuses being stuffed. Therefore, she immediately received medicaments for this. During all of this she was in a great mood and almost laughing with a big smile, while I was furious screaming/shouting (those of you who know me well would understand...). I will spend the night with her if no other arrangements will be made and will thereafter arrange appropriate care.
The physiotherapist told me this morning that yesterday was the first day they could tell a huge difference in her balance and effort! I was very pleased to hear that. They said that she showed good progress and was very much on the right track. Good news.
Furthermore to the procedure of the investigation of the hole between the chambers, the following could be mentioned. As the doctors are reluctant to proceed with the ultrasound tube through her mouth, due to her eating Warfarin, I put that on hold. Their issue is that if the tube would cause a small scratch and some bleeding would occur, they want her to stop taking the Warfarin. I do not particular adhere to the camp taking her off the drug since it is making her better, less likely to cloth and it was only after she stopped last time, this event happened. This will have to wait.
I hope you are all informed about today's events and can rest assure that she is doing better.


Peter o Louise said...

Huuuu. Stackars dig Jaana men det var ju lite tur i oturen ändå.

Antar att ansvarig för duschningen nu vet att vederbörande inte gjorde ett bra jobb, eller hur Jörgen!

Låter bra att träningen ger possitiva resultat och att motivationen ökar.

Återigen, kämpa på!

Peter o Louise

Katarina said...

Oj, det kan hända mycket när man bara vänder sig en sekund, det kan jag bekräfta som nu försöker hålla efter Kim snart 8 månader!

Vad duktig Jaana är med träningen, go Jaana!

Finns det någon annan favorit mat som man skulle kunna ta med sig och ge Jaana? Jag vet ju vad vi brukade äta till lunch, men det mesta är ju "nyttig" mat som hon nu helst ska undvika. Jörgen, om du kommer på något, säg till!

Nu är vi alla friska i familjen så hoppas kunna hälsa på igen till helgen.

Många kramar,
Katarina & Lars

Gittan said...

Hej Jaana och hela familjen!
Usch vilken otur med fallet, tur i oturen att det gick så bra ändå.

Här går livet i sakta mak, vi jobbar och barnen är på dagis, tyvärr är det mest helgerna man tar vara på när vädret är som det är (grått, regnigt, kallt - hua). Micke har ju börjat jobba som revisor nu efter studierna och trivs verkligen bra. Gittan längtar efter utmaningar och har sökt nytt jobb inom företaget, håll tummarna!

Nellie blev 5,5 år igår! Stora tjejen som är världens bästa storasyster, hjälpsam och påhittig. Inte undra på att Nova snart 2,5 år avgudar sin syster. Novas språk är riktigt bra och den egna viljan märks bara mer och mer. Men alla mår bra.

Hoppas att ljudböcker fungerar bra?! Hör av er om Jaana behöver fler.

Många kramar
Gittan, Micke, Nellie och Nova