Thursday, October 18, 2007

19th of October

9.47am Friday morning. Jaana had a good sleep and was heading down for physio as I left. She is doing well, but again has another urine infection. As this is her 4th urine bacteria since she came to the hospital (and she has always been pron to have them), the doctors are thinking of giving her permanent antibiotics for this. Again, this is nothing too uncommon, so it might be good for her to fix it once and for all. It does not seem to bother her too much, but it is hard to tell.

5.22pm Friday afternoon. As the issue with the swallowing is residing, Jaana has today focused more on the speech therapy which has until now been put aside a bit in favor of the more pressing issue of eating. She is making daily progress on all areas now, however though small they might be. The she will walk again, it is not just the effort made that day but the 60-70 days of hard work put in before. Her spirit is on top. Other than that, where is not much to report today. I will go back to the hospital in a an hour or so, from which i will make some final observation.


Peter o Louise said...

Tjena tjena,

Verkar som ytterligare några steg i rätt riktning, kämpa vidare Jaana och Jörgen.

Peter o Louise

John och Carina said...

Hejsan Jaana och Jörgen!
Det går åt rätt håll,sakta men säkert. Det är bara att hålla humöret uppe och kämpa på. Man ska aldrig ge upp! Sköt om er allihopa och krama Ludde Totte och Camille ifrån oss. En stor kram även till Riitva så mycket!
Många kramar Carina John Anton och Frida
Ps I dag har det kom lite snö I Stockholm, nu är vintern snart här!