Saturday, October 20, 2007

21st of October

8.28am Sunday morning. I just returned from the hospital after spending the night. She slept most of the time, but did not really fall asleep until 10pm last night. The cough is still there, even though a bit better. She ate a lot yesterday and I think they will remove the drop today. Her swallowing is still a concern. The issue is that she is not swallowing fast and assertive enough. One need to stand next to her and really tell her. Sometimes, not so often, one can hint a notion of frustration and despair in her eyes. Her coming will be a big moral boost for her, but unfortunately, it is a few weeks away.

2.16pm Sunday afternoon. The physio session was done in her room this morning and this afternoon there will be some rest. She had some breakfast and now some lunch, but with some difficulty. I really hope she picks this up a bit, since I do believe it was done with a bit more energy before.


Mia said...

God morgon Jaana,

Vad skönt att du sakta men säkert blir bättre.

Här hemma har det blivit kyligt och det känns som om vintern står på glänt.

Mimmi bor hos mig just nu då Ritva är hos dig. Allt är bra med Mimmi. Hon barikerar sig i handfatet i badrummet för det mesta.

Hälsa Camille, Ludde, Totte, Jörgen & Ritva

Många kramar Mia

Karin o Christer said...

Hej Jaana,

Vi tänker mycket och ofta på dig, Jörgen, Ludde, Totte och Camille, och längtar tills vi får träffa dig här i Sverige.

Här hemma har vi haft en söndag med Ikea-besök. Det blev en bokhylla till Dans rum och några andra småsaker.

Hoppas att hostan snart är borta.
