Sunday, October 21, 2007

22nd of October

7.40am Monday morning. Conclusion from the colds the rest of the family have had, Jaana's cough should disappear in the beginning of the week. It is getting there and the drop might be removed again tomorrow or so. She still has it for some IV antibiotics and fluid. I will report more from the hospital around lunch time.

7.26pm Monday evening. Jaana was in a great mood today with plenty of exercise, food and high spirit. Parmi and Camille just headed over to the hospital to say good night. Not a lot more to report other than she stuck out her tongue to the doctors, which got everyone laughing for a while.


Ulrica och Robin said...

Många hjärtliga hälsningar från oss, hoppas att ni får en bra vecka, vi tänker på er!
Kram Ulrica m familj

Mia said...

Hej på er,

Sänder en höstrusk-hälsning till er allihop.

Jaana, du gör små små framsteg varje dag som betyder så mycket. Bra kämpat! Ge inte upp!

Jörgen, är imponerad för ditt jobb och tålamod. Hoppas att du inte sliter ut dig! Du är kanon!

Ludde, lycka till med skolan! Sist vi pratade så sa du att drama är det roligaste ämnet. Du kanske blir en stor skådespelare en vacker dag! :o)

Totte, när jag ringde till er sist var du ute och cyklade med Jari. Synd att vi inte hann prata!

Camille, jag hörde av Ritva att du gillade dockan som man kan rita på som du fick av henne. Nellie & Nova kommer att bli jätteglada för de dockor som du skickade till dem via Ritva!

Sköt om er!
Kramar Mia

Courtney Malcarney said...

Hi Jaana and Jörgen,

Just catching up on how everything is going for you lately. I am happy you are feeling better from your cold and that the cough is almost gone.

It sounds like you are both working on the recovery at full capacity. Take care of yourselves and remember we are all sending you good vibes. Plus "they" always say that "Rome wasn't built in a day." It may take some time so please be patient with yourself Jaana. It is not always easy to do.

It is nice to see the future is in sight and that you are still planning for your move at the end of the year (where are you moving too??). Plans keep the future in focus and gives you the strength to keep on going.

We are thinking of you lots and wish we were closer. Take care and keep smiling Jaana. Jörgen, you are doing an amazing job and keep that positive energy flowing.

Love, xo
Missy and Co.

James & Rebecca Burdess said...

Well, Jaana, it looks as though you are going to prove your husband's boast right - you might just be the strongest woman in the world! We are following your remarkable progress with awe & admiration. Fight on, with all you've got! We are all willing you forward & each tiny progression is in itself a marvellous victory. Keep going!
Jorgen, to say that you are a star is the understatement of the millenium, but it's is true nonetheless.
We are thinking of you all.
Much love, from Rebecca, James, Alannah, Margaux & Arthur