Sunday, October 28, 2007

29th of October

1.34pm Monday afternoon. Today, Jaana is a wee bit more tired than yesterday, but she is doing her therapy sessions as planed. Again, eating and drinking ok, and will have some quiche for lunch. I hope to be able to run over with some pasta later. Yesterday she ran out of home cooked food, got some fish balls again, and one could see she was not enjoying that.
I will not be able to go to her until later this afternoon, since I have a stack of things to do. I will report back as soon as I have been there and get a chance to write.

6.58pm Monday evening. I caught Jaana just in time before they were going to give her more horror food. She enjoyed 2 cheeseburgers from McDonald's with an grin of a child having the same for the first time ever. It was nice to see. Camille came with me and served mum some mango juice (with Thick'n'Easy (too make it a bit less dangerous for her to swallow)).
Tomorrow it is back to pasta again.
She looked rather tired in the end. She has not been drinking so much today, again due to being a bit sleepy. I also ordered her wheelchair today. Standard stuff, but with a bit foam in the seat for comfort. It should take a week or so, and by then we will be all more than ready to welcome her home again.


Reed family said...

Hello Jaana,
My PC has been out of action till now so in turn I have not been able to check in on your blog daily.
I am so pleased to hear how well you are eating and that you are enjoying what sounds like some wonderful meals. So so pleased to hear your wonderful progress.
Keep up the good work. Love Danielle xxxx

Chriiiiina said...

Skickar lite höst ruskiga hälsningar från Uppsala.
Gick över till vintertid igår så nu blir det riktigt mörkt på kvällarna ... tidigt på kvällarna ... not my cup of tea :-)

Har pysslat i huset mest hela helgen. Vi blir nog aldrig helt klara.
Kämpa på därborta så kämpar jag här.
Stora, varma kramar från Chriiina