Tuesday, October 2, 2007

3rd of October

8.10am Wednesday morning. Late last night Jaana was awake and had her dinner around 8pm. She was still going strong an hour after that, pulled the feeding tube which was refitted. She is since yesterday going to the rehab room for exercise. As soon as I can make 100% sure she is ok with it, I will post some pictures (this needs her consent though). She is getting regular showers now, so I think she is feeling a lot better as well.

1.16pm Wednesday afternoon. Jaana is still awake (since around 8am) after a busy morning. She is in bed and just about to doze of for a nap. Guess what, she is winning the battle of the feeding tube. After having pulled it out again this morning, but had pancakes, juice just after and a descent size lunch, the doctors have given the go ahead of not putting the tube back providing her fluid intake is sufficient. She needs to put in some good effort for dinner and some supplements later this afternoon. I think she is very pleased with herself and has a small grin on her face; 'I won'.
Camille will be coming around later this afternoon and Jonathan has two days off form school Thursday and Friday so he will spend one of them with me here at the hospital so see mom awake. She is now getting to take showers daily and is using a special chair doing the business. I think all of these things make her feel mentally a lot less sick and we are all cheering on!

10.31pm Wednesday evening. Today Jaana was awake from 8.30am to 9.15pm except for maybe a accumulated 2h nap. This is massive. You might be wondering why I am keep mentioning the time she is awake all the time. It is however during this time you can eat and do all rehab stuff, so it is of out most importance. In addition she finish her dinner (with some strange faces of dislike for the food) so tomorrow, I thought of bringing some home cooked food instead. And just maybe, a few bbqed cervalas will do the trick the coming weekend. The night nurse is on duty until tomorrow morning.


Reed family said...

Wonderful news. Today goes down in history as one for making excellent progress! WELL DONE Jaana.Danielle

musse said...

Men din sisu klarar di vad som helst!
Härligt att slippa den där äckliga tuben.
Jag tänker på dig varje dag och följer Jörgens fina dagbok på bloggen.
Tack för det arbetet, Jörgen.

Claudia + family said...

Dear family Molen

Wow, what a day! Now you can enjoy your meals again, great Jaana! And your children will spend some time with you, that will be very nice for you and your family. Hope you have so wonderful weather as we have here in Switzerland, so you can go outside and enjoy the sun. we always think of you all! Lots of love
Claudia and family

Per-Olof said...

Så underbart att Du blivit av med matsonden ! 1 - 0 till Dig.
Hoppas Du äter och tränar bra,
så kommer allt att ordna sig.
Följer Dina framsteg dagligen.
Kram / Per-Olof

Claudia + family said...

Dear family Molen

Wow, what a day! Now you can enjoy your meals again, great Jaana! And your children will spend some time with you, that will be very nice for you and your family. Hope you have so wonderful weather as we have here in Switzerland, so you can go outside and enjoy the sun. we always think of you all! Lots of love
claudia + family

Peter o Louise said...

Kanon Jaana o Jörgen !

Lite längre vakna stunder, lite mera käk utan äckelslangen, lite mera övningar.

Sakta men säkert så...

Peter o Louise

Cecilia, Zug said...

Hej Jaana,

Underbara nyheter - jag förstår av Jugges dagbok att du gör framsteg varje dag och nu kan du äntligen återigen känna smaken av ordentlig mat! Tänker på dem goda korvarna som ni bjöd mig och barnen på i påskas från schweizerslaktarn - som Jugge hade grillat så perfekt - dem var väldigt goda. Kanske har du också redan ätit korv igen från slaktarn? Eller har du kanske andra meny-önskemål?
Tänker på dig.
Kämpa på.
Många bamsekramar
cecilia m. familj

Mia said...

Hej Jaana,

Vad skönt att du blivit av med alla slangar nu. Det verkar som du gör framsteg varje dag. Bra kämpat! Ge inte upp!

Jag ringde hem till er för någon vecka sedan och pratade med Ludde. Totte var ute och cyklade med Jari då. Hoppas att han hälsade till dig från mig!

Sköt om dig & hälsa familjen!
Många kramar Mia

Christina said...

Hej Jaana!
Du gjorde mig orolig! Det gör mig glad och lättad att höra att du är på bättringsvägen, du har väl aldrig varit den som ger upp lätt...
Det känns skönt att veta att du har ett starkt stöd av familj, vänner och bekanta trots avståndet. Jag tänker på dig och hoppas att vi ses snart igen.

Kramar Christina (kusinvitamin...)
Erika, Stefan och Allan sänder sina varmaste hälsningar.