Monday, October 8, 2007

9th of October

7.27am Tuesday morning. The night nurse was on duty last night and has not called, which mean she has been sleeping ok. Today she is scheduled to do another MRI scan (she has already done 2 and 2 CT scans). They want to see exactly what areas are effected and more important to again confirm that their is nothing new to worry about. The scan takes around 30min and you do not have to be sedated. The only thing is that one has to be completely still during this time. All should be fine.

8.52pm Tuesday evening. Sorry for not getting back earlier, but i just returned from the hospital. The MRI scan this morning was good. It showed that the affected areas had decreased in size. They doctors were very pleased with that. I talked to four of them today and all indicated that they were very happy with her progress. They tend not to predict any time frame for recovery and they only answer questions like 'Given the situation 3 weeks ago, are you happy with the progress so far or did you expect something else?' To this they all answer that they are pleased and if anything, we are a little bit ahead of schedule. I also asked the neurologist that if it was a realistic goal to have that she would with support of a frame/cane, be able to walk on her own in 6 weeks time, and he thought that would be realistic. So let's hope. Please understand that we are certainly not there yet. It is a long way and many hurdles to overcome, but with some stubberness and and a lot of energy she will get there. Jaana's left side is a bit weaker than the right. This is not of any significance and will be able to somce back. She can still move all parts of the body.
As she is very sleepy (and very hard to wake up at time (cold coke cans in the face, sitting in the wheelchair, wet towel in face, radio on 85% will not do it!), the doctors have suggested to make the morning sessions a bit easier so she has some energy left for the afternoon ones. I also asked to move the morning one earlier and the afternoon one later so she will be able to have 4h of sleep in between. Let's see if it helps.
Otherwise, she has been eating and drinking well today. She is getting very fed up with Ensure (a sort of energy vanilla/chocolate flavored drink) they give her for extra supplement. She gets croissants, cappuccinos, meatballs, luxemburgelies (!) brought to her which seem to do the trick.


Peter o Louise said...

Hejsan Jaana o Jörgen,

Hoppas att det dagens undersökningar går bra och att återhämtningen tuffar på enligt plan.

Vi vann budgivningen och äger nu en massa traktorgarage, hönshus, brygghus etc uppe vid Lötorp på Öland. Kanske inte helt genomtänkt men va´fan, säger som du Jörgen, man måste våga nått nytt för annars står man bara å stampar på samma fläck och 20 år senare är ju inte det så kul.

Hoppas att hela fam Molen i Singapore mår lite bättre varje dag.

Peter o Louise

musse said...

Tänker på dig Jaana.

Claudia + family said...

Hi Jaana and Joergen!

Wonderful news! It is really amazing how strong you are Jaana! Great progress and the doctors are very happy as well. We wish you and Joergen lots of strength and patience! Step by step!

Lots of love, we are reading Joergens notes every day and are with you!

Claudia, Reto und Nevin

Reed family said...

Well done Jaana. You go girl! I want you to be on that 6 week walking goal. You can do it!!!!
We are all behind your progress.
Love Danielle x