Wednesday, May 7, 2008

7th of May

4.48pm Wednesday evening. Today Jaana has been very tired and did not want to participate at all. The therapist had to cancel a few sessions and I carried Jaana upstairs so she could have a rest for the day. She has had runny nose for 2 days, so anticipate that she has a bit of a cold. Well, none of us really feel like doing too much when we feel a bit under the weather (sunny, humid and 30dgs).
Otherwise, Jaana is in a rather ok mood. She has her moments when tears are flowing, but not too excessive.
The kids have half term break next week (a lot of breaks...) so we will have to get a few things to do. After that they stay in school until the 4th of July, when the summer break starts until early September.
We have decided to remain in Barbados for the summer. It is the best for Jaana to get some more rehab in. The kids will stay as she really does not feel happy when they are not around.


Jill and Damian said...

Glad to read of continued steady progress over the last month or so. Sounds like Jaana is giving her all as usual. Go for it girl -your strength and determination are just amazing. And as for the support that you're all giving her - incredible.
Barbados sounds like a dream and it must be wonderful to all be back together. We'll miss seeing you in Valbonne this summer but hope to catch up with you all down here soon.

Claudia + family said...

Dear Jaana, Joergen and kids
Glad to hear that you have a wonderful time in Barbados, it was the right decision to move there! And Jaana does a steady progress, that is VERY good Jaana! You are so strong! It takes a lot of time and patience but you will do it; together with your great family. Joergen, once more, you are such a wonderful husband and father!!! And in June you can visit the doctor in Miami, great!
We are all fine and VERY VERY happy about the birth of our little son JORIN a week ago. He is soooo sweet and Nevin and we are enjoying our family life very much! It seems he is another easy boy as well, sleeping a lot and very quiet.
We are sending you our love and think a lot of you all!
Big hug
Claudia, Reto, Nevin and baby Jorin

Reed family said...

Hello, thinking of you all and catching up via the blog. Get better soon Jaana, Love Danielle x

Ulrica och Robin said...

Vi tänker på er, stor kram!
Ulrica m familj

Kirsi said...

Hej älskade älskade Jaana, jag saknar dig så jag håller på och spricker. Har precis läst igenom allt som Jörgen skrivit för att förstå vad som hänt och önskar att jag kunde vara hos dig just nu och ge dig den största möjliga bamsekramen.Men jag vet också att du är den starkaste personen i hela världen och kommer att ta dig igenom detta. Tack Jörgen för att du ta så bra hand om min bästa vän. Jag tänker på er!! Jättekramar från Kirsi