Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18th of November

11.56am Tuesday midday. It has been some time since the last post, due to a busy time with school holidays and other travels. Jaana has been working, but sometimes her motivation is a bit low. I think she is looking forward to a bit of slower time over Christmas, even though there will be some exercises then as well. She is talking weekly with the neuropsychologist after which she puts in a bit more effort. She still is quite depressed and such, but we all try to keep her spirit up. Yesterday during her speech session, she was asked how she was feeling and she spelled out: 'S', 'H', 'I', 'T', and smiled! The humour is no problem.
Kids are fine. Three more weeks and it is Christmas holidays! It is a bit hard to imagine with 31 degrees, sun and no real extravagance retail. In the US, I passed IKEA to pick up some herring, ginger cookie dough, julmust etc so I guess we will be getting the atmosphere soon. There will be quite a few families staying around for Christmas so we have decided to have a Christmas day bbq at our home on xmas day. Should be fun.
Parmi is doing fine, and again I need to reiterate her fantastic character and her energy. She is doing so much for Jaana, that you could not believe! Without her, Jaana's, my and the kids life would look very much different.