Tuesday, August 31, 2010

31st of August, 2010

5.13pm Tuesday afternoon. Time for a short update. Today was a rather busy day. First Jaana had some blood draw for normal blood test etc, then bone marrow from both her hips were drawn. Different from last time, this was a bit pain full, but extra marrow was drawn to make sure there would be enough good stem cells for the surgery on Thursday. After this, she rested a bit and then there was a meeting with both the anesthesiologist and then the neuro surgeon. Both of them described in detail the agenda for Thursday. Now we are back in the hotel for her to rest. Tomorrow it is back to the hospital for MRI scans to assist the surgeon on Thursday so the can do this with the highest accuracy possible. I will keep you updated on Thursday after the operation which is scheduled for 9.30am CET.

Friday, August 27, 2010

27th of August

9.07am Friday morning. As we are packing up for the summer and preparing our departure, I will not write anything more for a week. Therefore I would like to communicate the next scheduled events concerning Jaanas stem cell treatment.
On Monday the 30th of August, Jaana, Parmi and me fly to Dusseldorf. On Tuesday bone marrow from Jaanas hip will be extracted. On Wednesday there will be MRI, PET and CT scans and the stem cells will be separated from within the bone marrow. Thursday is the critical day. The stem cells will be put back into Jaans brain through neuro endoscopy. This is done under full anesthesia and even though it is done regularly and weekly at the center, it is not a small thing. To my understaning, the general idea is to be as quick as possible and be as non-intrusive as one can. The operation should not take longer than 20-30 min if everything goes well. So for all of you, Thursday is time for thoughts and prayer for Jaana. I will write as soon as possible after she wakes up. Her occupational therapist, Giselle, will come from Barbados and talk to the center about special training after the operation. I will be in Lugano on Friday to help Ludwig in this new school and will take Camille and Jonathan to Dusseldorf on Saturday. Jaana will be in the hospital until Saturday when she will be at our hotel for 2 nights. On Monday we fly to Sweden where she will undergo intense therapy at Humlegarden. Giselle will come up to Sweden to instruct the center about Jaana, what she has been doing for the past 24 months, how to treat after the operation and be close to her. Jonathan, Camille and I will fly home to Barbados on Monday/Tuesday where they will be a few days late for school.
Now, I think that is as much as I can tell you right now. So, for Thursday the 2nd of September, which is Jaanas and mine 15th anniversary as well, she will be needing everyones thoughts. Not the present I had in mind, but I hope it will be the best one I ever gave her.

Monday, August 9, 2010

9th of Auagust, 2010

3.11pm Monday afternoon. This has been the longest break between postings! Reason being, there has not been to much to report. However though, now I would like to announce that Jaanas is doing her second, and a bit larger, stem cell treatment in Dusseldorf at the end of August. As Parmi is going to Indonesia for a month and Jaana needs a lot of therapy, stimulation and attention immediately after the treatment, she will be heading to Humlegarden rehabilitation center in Sigtuna, Sweden. There are other more prominent, and maybe better centers in the world, but she will not be close to friends. The social aspect, I have found, is even more important for her than anything else. Not having her children and husband close, will have an impact, but it will far less if all friends (not having a cold etc) will visit her as much as possible. should be able to do so, talk to her and let her answer with words, play a card game, play memory, ask questions, sudokos etc etc. Do anything which will stimulate her brain. It is very very important after her treatment to cease the opportunity when the new cells try to grow and reconnect damaged areas.
To coordinate visits and ask for best timings, please contact Jaanas mother Ritva Koistinen to make sure Jaana does not have scheduled therapy when you come as it will waste your time and she needs to concentrate fully on the task of getting better. However though, go and visit her! I will get back to you with more details before she arrives in Sweden.
The children are doing fine! Ludwig will start boarding school in Lugano Swizerland in September. Jonathan, Camille and me will return to Barbados just after getting Jaana to Humlegarden. Next year, we will most likely move to Lugano and spend the weekends at our home in Italy.
Anyway, need to go but all of you, take care and visit my wife in Sweden should you get chance!