Sunday, December 21, 2008

21st of December

4.13pm Sunday afternoon. Sunday is a rest day for Jaana, so she right now recharging for next week. Even though it is Christmas, she has more work to do, all until Christmas eve. After that a few days holiday before a New Year begin again. She has been okay lately, putting in some effort. She is still working a lot on coordination and hip balance. A rocking horse we gave Camille for Christmas a few years ago has been dusted off and has now come of use again.
Kids are great and Camille is counting days until Christmas. Her wish list included a computer, iPod and a mobile phone and last time I checked with Santa, she might be a bit sort on all those... Instead I know she will be very happy with all the other nice things she will get. The Christmas tree is all inside and ready with artificial snow bought in London. I put the lights and the kids put up all the ornaments.
Ludde has a friend for a sleep over tonight and we might all go diving tomorrow morning.
My dad came over from Sweden yesterday and Jaanas mother will come on the 29th and stay until the 12th. Weather wise, I will not bother to make you jealous...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

9th of Decmber

1.24pm Tuesday afternoon. Sorry for the long intervals between new postings, but there really has not been too much to write about. Jaana is working along and the Neuropsychiatrist is coming down on Friday from the US. Last week Jaana did a great job and all the therapist were very happy with what she did. She participated and actually wanted to do the exercises. Hope that it last for a while since we still have a long road in front of us.
Kids are doing fine. This is the last week in school before their three week Christmas holiday. We will stay here for the festive season and maybe travel a bit during the winter break in February instead.
Parmi got her new passport without having to travel, which made us all very happy. I have applied for a new passport for Jaana over the mail, so let us see how that goes.