Monday, November 30, 2009

30th of November

7.23am Monday morning. I have sent out requests to other neurologists and neurosurgeons who have assessed Jaana before to get a more complete risk/reward profile. As with everything there are always risks, so I think it is prudent to get as much information from resources not having anything to gain financially by their opinions. However though, get 10 people in one room (specially doctors, I have learned...) and you will get least 10 different opinions. Anyway, we are not in an immediate hurry, so we will take our time and get the best possible solution for Jaana. It is very encouraging though, that there is a method which seem result in vast improvements.
Kids finish school on the 11th already and it seems like they have already to slow down the pace with various activities such as plays and football games. It is also independence day here today which gives them 2 more days off.
Christmas is coming closer even though, as a European, it is hard to get the spirit with beaches and swimming pools.
The new bbq terrace is now ready and there will be suckling pig, tenderloin, chicken and rabbit on New Years eve.

Friday, November 13, 2009

13th of November

5.16pm (CET) Friday afternoon. I am writing a very late entry from Cannobio. I am on a short trip dealing with a few things back in Europe. Among others, I visited a centre called XCell Centre in Dusseldorf, Germany. They specialise in stem cell treatments, and are very positive that this could help Jaana. Since this is a rather new method (a few years), there is not so much statistics as from other treatments, but the result they have so far is very very promising. The most effective way to would be to take Jaanas own repair (or adult) stem cells from her bone marrow, purify them and then place them close to the effected areas in her brain. This procedure will generate the absolute best results and can do remarkable things. At this centre, they also treat other deceases (diabetes ...) so visit their web site should you be interested for friends or family. This could be a major break through and with significant improvements, even though a full 100% recovery of Jaana is less likely. As I miss my old Jaana immensely, I will put our hope and faith in this brilliant technology and pray it will a pivotal point in her recovery. After a successful direct placement, she would have to rest for just a week, but as it was explained to me, result will come very quickly, if all is well.
Kids are doing fine and Parmi as doing a marvellous work in keeping the home and family in order!