Sunday, September 23, 2007

24th of September

7.49am Monday morning. Jaana seem to have had a good nights sleep and has now woken up. I talked to her on the phone and told her kids are having breakfast and are off to school soon. Nothing special to report so far, but I will get back with more exciting stories later today.

4.25pm Monday afternoon. Just very quick since I need to shoot off and pick Totte up. I just returned from Gleneagles, and I happy to report that Jaana is now out of the ICU and in a private suite, having sunlight in her face, TV and a sofa bed, where we all can have a rest, eat dinners and be around her even more. She has been quite sleepy this morning, I woke her up (rather forcefully) around 10.30am, but then she was a wake until 1.30pm. Doing exercises, getting her hair washed (for the first time in 8 days) got her a bit tired. Hairdresser will be booked later in the week. Back later!

5.23 Monday afternoon. Many of you have requested Jaana's contact details. My fault, since it completely slipped my mind. Here it is: Jaana Molen, Suite 101 Gleneagles Hospital, 6A Napier Road, Singapore 258 500.
Additionally, I can say that when she made the move up from the ICU, they disconnected the drip so now she only gets her medicine (Heparin) through IV and food through a tube down her nose. They are slowly moving over to an orally drug (Heparin to Warfrin) and when this is taken up properly (takes up to a week) she will be able to get the other IV disconnected.
A speech therapist attended to her today. His is important for two reasons. First the obvious one, to assist her in getting her speech back! Secondly, the same part of the brain controls the swallowing muscles. As soon as they can detect enough swallowing reflex muscles, she will be able to eat proper food and get the very irritating tube out of her nose. I expect both to take between 3-6 days, so she will have to hang in there for that.

8.12pm. I took all the kids and Parmi to the hospital where we ate pizza so we could spend some time with Jaana. Jari, a friend from the embassy and another friend of Jaana's were also there, so i think it was a bit much. She looked very tired. I will go back one more time with Jari to say good night and then she will need to rest until tomorrow. She start to use more power in her voice so it gets a bit easier to understand, even though most of it is still a bit foreign to me... Nothng to be stressed about, early days yet! Good night


heloiza Montuori said...

Dearest Jorgen & Jaana!
I just read the email Jorgen sent after all this happened, but I just came back from the US, and while there never had the time to check my emails.... I am sooo shocked and worried about you , but as Jorgen said so well you are umbelievable strong and will recover well! I know the feeling of facing a serious health problem at such young age, and knowing what a good mamma you are, your will to recover and go back to your family will make that possible!
God bless you and protect you,
hugs and kisses

Chriiiiina said...

Det infinner sig en ton av styrka och hopp i Jörgens inlägg.
Det ger mig glädje och tillfredställelse.
Kämpa på gumman.
Kramar Chriiina

Peter o Louise said...

Hejsan Jaana o Jörgen,

Kanon att du har fått lämna IVA avdelningen, det måste ju betyda ett stort steg framåt!

Bloggen är verkligen en bra ide, man slås av hur många som tycker väldigt mycket om dig, Jaana, och verkligen bryr sig om dig, hoppas och tror att den kraften hjälper hjälper dig i läkningsprocessen och även ger dig, Jörgen, lite tröst och energi...

Aja. Jag skulle vilja skicka blommor till Jaana, och kanske fler med mig, så kan du lägga upp addressen till Jaanas sjukhus,sal etc när du har tid.

Kämpa på Jaana och Jörgen. Finsk sisu är inte att leka med.

kram Peter o Lollo

Melanie King said...

Dear Jaana:

What a shock to open the email from Jorgen, expecting instructions on the cushions at Mangrove and instead receive your news. From that moment you have been in my thoughts, in fact I met with clients that day and was so distracted I had to apologise.

This weekend I read the blog, what a wonderful idea. Your friends and family all over the globe are connected to you and your progress and however, "New Age" it sounds, it provides a path to you for our positive thoughts! I hope you feel them, as I imagine your room buzzing with love and good wishes!

Being a chatter box, you know I have many more things I wish to tell you and here are a few which have been rattling around in my head:

As wives we are the string which allows our husbands to fly as high as kites.
As mothers we are the encircling arms which hold our families tight.
We have the bravery and strength for a great fight.
We need to rest when the time is right.

So Jaana, turn your face to the sunlight and let Jorgen carry you for a while.

Thinking of you.